March 14, 2025

EEP 2019 Will Be Live Audiostreamed

Author: Michael Feldstein
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Interest in the Empirical Educator Summit (EEP) has been off the charts. We want and intend to include everybody, but only when we can include people in a way that is useful to them. So we are being intentional about the pace and ways in which we are growing.

That said, we know a lot of people are very interested. We had already planned to release video of much of the summit after the fact. We’ve decided that we’re going to try to live stream the audio as well. (My experience with live-streaming video is that there isn’t much value in the visuals unless your setup is better than we will be able to manage, so we’d rather focus on trying to get you a solid audio stream.)

We have a placeholder page set up at Between now and Monday, we will be posting an agenda of the summit and putting up a widget for the audio streaming on that page. Check there periodically for updates. For planning purposes, I can tell you now that the audio streaming will be from 9 AM to 3:30 PM EST on Monday, May 6th and from 9 AM to 12 PM EST on Tuesday, May 7th. Again, the agenda will be posted on the EEP summit page soon. This is a last-minute addition driven by demand, so we’re winging it a bit.

We also invite you to discuss the summit on Twitter as it is streamed. We will not have the luxury of a dedicated social media person to monitor and respond to the conversation live, but we will be encouraging the on-site community to participate and will definitely be looking at what you have to say afterward to see what we can learn from your input. The hashtag for the event is #EEP2019.

We’re adding two more hashtags for more specific input, since EEP is ultimately about doing things together. If you use these, please be sure to catch the early sessions on Monday that explain the goals of EEP so that your input is on point. The first hashtag, #EEP2019ideas, is for suggestions about how EEP members—both current and prospective—can work together to accomplish the goals of the network. The second, #EEP2019challenges, is for obstacles you want us to be aware of as we think about how to build out the collaborative network.

To prepare you for the streaming of the event, I’m going to assign you some homework. The main reading is very short. I just published a piece in Forbes about Carnegie Mellon’s contribution. It’s not what you’re used to reading from me in that Forbes required the piece to be only about 800 words and strictly enforced a requirement that readers shouldn’t need to have any knowledge of higher education or software whatsoever in order to understand the article. The downside of these requirements is that I had to flatten and truncate some details and nuances that e-Literate readers are used to getting from me. (One example that I particularly want to get off my chest is that I briefly described the fruits of Lumen Learning’s collaboration with Carnegie Mellon but wasn’t able to give them proper credit.) But there were some benefits to those restrictions too. I think the piece captures something of the sense of professional identity and culture that both Carnegie Mellon and EEP seek to foster. Also, did I mention that it’s probably the shortest piece by me that you will ever see? Go read it.

Beyond that, if you want to get a deeper sense of the train of thought behind the effort, take a dip into the archive of EEP-related blog posts here at e-Literate.

The post EEP 2019 Will Be Live Audiostreamed appeared first on e-Literate.

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