September 20, 2024

Day 03 – Conditional & Looping

Video by pantechelearning via YouTube

Attendance –

21 Days Masterclass on Advanced Python Programming Agenda

Day 1 – Introduction to Python
Day 2 – Data structures
Day 3 – Conditional & Looping
Day 4 – Lambda &Functions
Day 5 – Exceptions and Errors
Day 6 – Collections
Day 7 – Itertools
Day 8 – Logging
Day 9 – JSON & Random Numbers
Day 10 – Decorators
Day 11 – Generators
Day 12 – Threading vs Multiprocessing
Day 13 – Multithreading
Day 14 – Function Arguments
Day 15 – The Asterisk (*) Operator & Shallow vs Deep Copying
Day 16 – Context manager
Day 17 – Introduction to computer vision
Day 18 – Read,write & Color Conversion of images
Day 19 – Apply Smoothing techniques from images
Day 20 – Detecting Edges from images
Day 21 – Morphology techniques from images

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