September 20, 2024

DAY 02 – Power Electronics introduction in Matlab/Simulink

Video by pantechelearning via YouTube

Attendnance –


Day1: Introduction to Matlab/Simulink
Day2: Power Electronics introduction in Matlab/Simulink
Day3: Simulation of single phase uncontrolled Rectifiers(HWR&FWR) in Matlab/Simulink
Day4: Simulation of single phase controlled Rectifiers (HWR&FWR) in Matlab/Simulink
Day5:Simulation of Three phase half wave rectifier(controlled&uncontrolled)
Day6:Simulation of Three-phase Full wave rectifier(controlled and uncontrolled)
Day7:Simulation of 1 phase AC voltage controller (unidirectional/Bidirectional)
Day8:Simulation of 3-phase Ac voltage controller in Matlab/Simulink
Day9:Introduction to DC to DC converter and Buck converter simulation
Day10:Simulation of boost converter in Matlab
Day 11: Simulation of Buck-boost converter Sepic converter and Cuk converter
Day12:PID controller of DC-Dc converters on Matlab/Simulink
Day13:Simulation of Zeta converter and flyback converter
Day14:Introcuction to Inverters and Simulation of 1 phase half bridge inverter
Day15:Simulation of 1 phase Full bridge inverter in Matlab
Day16:Bipolar SPWM for 1 ph bridge inverter in Matlab Simulink
Day17:Simulation of 3-phase inverters in Matlab/Simulink
Day18:Simulation on DC transients circuits in Matlab/Simulink
Day19:Simulation and Analysis of electrical resonance circuit in Matlab/Simulink
Day20:Introduction of DC machines in Matlab/Simulink
Day21:Speed control of DC motors in MATLAB/Simulink
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