Lets Bend the Light | Chitti Experiment-15 | Total Internal Reflection | #chittitamil
Video by Chitti – Tamil via YouTube
What happens when a laser passes through water? 🌊🔦
In this exciting experiment, we demonstrate how light bends as it travels through water, creating a captivating visual effect. Here’s what you’ll learn:
The concept of light refraction and how it works.
How this principle forms the basis of optical fiber technology used today.
Why light can follow a curved path inside water streams.
Dive into the science behind this daily-life phenomenon and discover how it’s applied in communication systems, from internet cables to medical imaging devices.
We’ve re-uploaded this video after correcting a few mistakes. A big thank you to everyone who noticed and commented about it. Your feedback helps us improve and make better content for you all. We truly appreciate your support!
#LightBending #LaserExperiment #OpticalFibre #ScienceExplained #Chitti #FunLearning #chittitamil #refraction #internet #experiment #reflection