Powering E-Learning In the New Millennium: An Overview of E-Learning and Enabling Technology. Dongsong Zhang & Jay F. Nunamaker
Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Nietzsche. Schopenhauer como educador (1874)
“aprender a mirar, aprender a escuchar, aprender a pensar, aprender a leer y aprender a escribir”.
Educación para Nietzsche en “El crepúsculo de los ídolos… o de como se filosofa a martillazos .. o como se filosofa con el martillo ” (1887)
Hoy traemos a este espacio este artículo titulado:
Powering E-Learning In the New Millennium: An Overview of E-Learning and Enabling Technology
Dongsong Zhang Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA
Jay F. Nunamaker Regents’ & Soldwedel Professor of MIS, Computer Science and Communication Director, Center for the Management of Information, University of Arizona, MIS Department
Information Systems Frontiers 5:2, 207–218, 2003 C 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
In today’s new economy characterized by industrial change, globalization, increased intensive competition, knowledge sharing and transfer, and information technology revolution, traditional classroom education or training does not always satisfy all the needs of the new world of lifelong learning. Learning is shifting from instructor-centered to learner-centered, and is undertaken anywhere, from classrooms to homes and offices. E-Learning, referring to learning via the Internet, provides people with a flexible and personalized way to learn. It offers learning-on-demand opportunities and reduces learning cost. This paper describes the demands for e-Learning and related research, and presents a variety of enabling technologies that can facilitate the design and implementation of e-Learning systems. Armed with the advanced information and communication technologies, e-Learning is having a far-reaching impact on learning in the new millennium.
-SEÑOR, picó uno, pero parece un poco joven aún, ¿lo dejo ir?.
– Ni se te ocurra PEDRO, es la mejor edad para pescarlos.#laEstacionZ pic.twitter.com/dIkgB9KYMn— Juan José Calderón Amador (@eraser) March 22, 2017
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Fuente: [ slideshare vía information Systems Frontiers]