October 18, 2024

Education in an artificially intelligent world. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 @kennisnet

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Hoy traemos a este espacio este informe de los Paises Bajos , con perspectiva holandesa … titulado Education in an artificially intelligent world. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020, y que comienza así:
Please note: This report is written from a Dutch perspective and with the Dutch educational system and its structure in mind. Please take this into account when reading this report.

What will you find in this technology compass? 

If someone had told you 25 years ago – roughly at the time the internet started to rise – that in 2019, you would be swiping on your smartphone for multiple hours a day, and that thanks to the internet you’d know exactly what time your aunt in France was drinking her latte, or that teenagers could become drone pilots during their vocational studies, would you have believed that person? Probably not, as nobody can predict the future. Although technological developments are reasonably foreseeable, the social and cultural consequences they will have in the future are very difficult to predict. For instance, a film from the sixties about the ‘office of the future’ was pretty accurate from a technological point of view. The only thing missing however was women, as the arrival of washing machines, vacuum cleaners and gas cookers had actually given them more time for office work. How do we prepare young people to live an independent life in a world in which we are continually developing and deploying better, smarter and more efficient technologies? A world where artificial intelligence (AI) helps prevent diseases and domestic burglary, and where robots perform surgery?  …

(leer más…) Fuente: [ Slideshare vía kennisnet.nl ]