How to Program (and Use) Google App Scripts with Alice Keeler
Author: (Victoria A Davis, Cool Cat Teacher)
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From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
If you’re using the Google Suite for Education, Google App Scripts can save you time. Alice Keeler talks about how she programs Google App scripts, some add ons she’s made, and some you can use to help improve what you’re doing in your classroom!
On Monday, March 16 at 8 pm learn from classroom management expert Linda Kardamis how to regain control of your classroom even this late in the school year. Go to to learn more and sign up for this free webinar on classroom management.
Listen to Alice Keeler talk about Google Scripts and How to Use them
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Scripts Alice Discusses in the Show
Google Marketplace- Template Tab
Alice recently published her Google Add-On Template Tab. This tool allows you to create a copy of a template or graphic organizer for each student on the roster within the same spreadsheet. This is available FOR FREE on the google marketplace and is designed specifically with teachers in mind to save time, and promote easier and better collaboration and feedback.
Alice Keeler – using Add On’s and Scripts
Alice Keeler – Bio as Submitted
Teacher and mom of 5, Alice Keeler is the Google-crowned “Queen of Spreadsheets”, an international speaker on teaching and EdTech integration, co-author of 5 books, Google Certified Innovator, Google Apps Developer, founder of #coffeeEDU, and has degrees in Mathematics and Educational Media Design and Technology. Alice shares her expertise through online workshops at, blogs at and tweets @alicekeeler.
The post How to Program (and Use) Google App Scripts with Alice Keeler appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!