14 Tips For Helping Students With Limited Internet Have Distance Learning
Author: amajor
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Schools across the nation are closing in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 and in the scramble to provide at-home learning, a major problem has risen to the forefront: millions of American students don’t have reliable access to the internet.
According to recent federal data, approximately 14 percent of U.S. families with school-age children lack high-speed internet. Most of those families are low-income or live in rural areas. While there are plenty of best practice guides available for online learning, strategies for bridging the digital divide are scarce.
We asked the MindShift community to share how they’re addressing the issue and what strategies, tips or activities might they have to do distance learning with students who only have access to cellphones and limited data or internet.
Here’s what they shared, plus a few more tips we’ve found that can even be implemented today. Comments have been edited for brevity, clarity and comprehension.
Call Regularly
During this time of distance learning, students may feel isolated or lonely. Contacting them as often as you can — by email, comments on their work or phone — can make a huge difference, especially for those students without internet access. When in doubt over-communicate, but also maintain boundaries to avoid burnout.
In some cases where students & parents simply can't be reached via Internet, regular phone calls are working for some Ts. To maintain privacy with your number, Google Voice may be an option: https://t.co/p7vtQSMfcm
— Cult of Pedagogy (@cultofpedagogy) March 22, 2020
Suggest Free Internet Offers But Be Mindful of Limitations
Major internet providers like Spectrum and Comcast are giving students free WiFi for the next couple of months.
-Jen Clayton
Many providers are also waiving late fees for existing customers and increasing data caps for mobile hotspots. But to gain access restrictions may apply. For example, to qualify for Comcast Internet Essentials program, which provides affordable Internet ($9.95/month) families must meet these criteria:
- Eligibility for public assistance programs such as the National School Lunch Program
- No outstanding debt to Comcast that is less than a year old
- Live in an area where Comcast Internet service is available
- Be a new customer
Families will need flexibility and understanding as they research and discover what options will work for them. Offers of free internet is no guarantee that families will be able to use them.
Even with offers for free internet for 60 days, it can be tough for low-income families to actually get service: "a representative told her she still owed $150 from an unpaid cable bill from a few years ago and wouldn’t be able to set up the account." https://t.co/DpVW1QNCGV
— Ki Sung (@callmeKi) March 20, 2020
Seek Out Hotspots But Don’t Rely On Them
Although local libraries may be closed, their routers are likely still on. We regularly use our library’s wifi from outside when it’s closed.
–Lisa Vreman
Additionally, more and more states are developing public Wi-Fi hotspots in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A school district in southern Illinois has developed a creative approach by equipping several school buses with WiFi to serve as hotspots throughout the community. Drivers park the bus near local parks between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. every Monday through Friday.
Hotspots can be particularly effective for downloading large files that students can work on at home, but may not be reliable or feasible for long periods.
Check-in via Google Forms
You can also use a Google Form to ask students how they’re feeling and what support they need to succeed.
WhatsApp is used around the globe and it doesn’t require as many GB as Facebook or Google. It’s cheaper and in some countries it comes for free with the Internet plan for cell phones. Teachers can copy and paste long texts and have their students read them and answer questions.
I teach English Lessons through WhatsApp. I send vocabulary and audios and ask them to send back audios of readings and questions.
Tune In to Your Local Broadcast Station
Our district has lessons televised – I’ve been using them to help continue learning for my 1st grader. pic.twitter.com/2RpW1NSrQh
— Todd Stanzione (@toddstanzione) March 19, 2020
Some districts are partnering with local PBS stations to create remote-learning opportunities through T.V. programs. For example, KQED will begin broadcasting a California state standards-aligned educational television schedule, created by PBS SoCal/KCET and the Los Angeles Unified School District. Other states using broadcast stations include Maryland, Louisiana, New York, Arizona and more.
Use Plain Text Instead of Attachments When Emailing
Helena Castillo suggests using plain texts. Plain text is easier to access and requires less data (therefore, less money), so consolidating lesson content into the email body using plain text rather than attaching a .pdf is preferable. Whenever possible, email lesson content two to three days in advance to give students and families as much time as possible to gain access before the lesson.
Host Accessible Video Sessions But Don’t Require Attendance
Video conference calls can be an effective tool, but they require a lot of data. Encourage kids who don’t have the internet to call in for audio and be sure to describe what’s happening on the screen so that students calling in can still feel included.
I held an SAT/ACT boot camp …and my students did not show their faces on our zoom call…I thought this would be a problem …but once it got started it was amazing! The entire class participation was well above normal and students were not afraid to admit not knowing info.
— The Anti-Tutor (@theantitutor) March 20, 2020
Avoid requiring attendance as well. Instead, find alternative ways to check in and email summaries or transcripts after video sessions if possible.
Make Transcripts Using Speech-to-Text Features
Google Docs has a feature called Voice Typing that will dictate your voice using your computer’s microphone. To activate Voice typing, open a google document and click Tools > Voice Typing or press Ctrl + Shift + S in Windows or Command + Shift + S in macOs.
There are also other platforms and services like Zoom that transcribe video sessions. Whichever you choose, just make sure to review content before sharing for typos and grammatical errors.
Provide Hard Copies
Before high-speed internet, there were workbooks and handouts.
Textbooks all the way where possible, and assessment has been redesigned to reflect the content covered in the texts. I am hoping to have some access to online resources but in the event there is none, I am confident students have something to focus on.
— Tom Harvey (@teachulearn) March 19, 2020
Add QR Codes to Paper Copies
Providing students with handouts doesn’t have to entirely eliminate a personalized touch.
My SS department teachers are providing paper copies with a QR code so that our EL students can hear the teacher reading the assignment. The same work goes in google classroom with a link and sometimes extras. It's not ideal. We need to solve this disparity of access issue!
— Ms. Hall (@KMS_History) March 20, 2020
Share The Burden
Not every teacher will be able to mail hardcopies of their materials. Ways to work around this may be electing designated individuals.
Schools can create a Google Drive. Teachers can submit lessons there and elect a person to print and mail activities to those with connectivity issues. We haven’t implemented this, just an idea I plan to share with my district.
Try USBs or DVDs
In my flipped classroom, I would provide DVD discs for DVD players, PS4, XBox or provide USBs with my video lectures to students who identified specific IT needs. It worked for chronically absent students, student athletes, etc or to just save a family’s data plan. Everyone forgets a TV is a great projector!
Avoid Harsh Punishments
If you’re a teacher in any level, please let your students know – through your actions & words – that you support them to prioritize their health & wellness right now.
Now is not the time to uphold the standards of academia. It is the time to uphold & practice our humanity.
— E.J. Ramos David, Ph.D. (@ejrdavid) March 21, 2020
In the upcoming months and years, students will need a lot of support. Even with major internet providers offering assistance to low-income families, some families still face hurdles to getting online. Some students may struggle to keep up and get the work done. Assignments may take twice as long to complete. But this doesn’t mean school isn’t a priority for those students. As much as possible, try to avoid harsh grades or punishments, offer several options for completing an assignment and be adaptable.
There’s a lot more work to be done to achieve true equity, but we’re hopeful. We’ll continue to update this list in the upcoming weeks and months.
*Editor’s note: The original call for suggestions that you see on the MindShift tweets had a typo in the graphic. We are always learning from our mistakes.