September 20, 2024

Mastering the Mind ⚡ Hypnosis Science | TRY HYPNOSIS ⚡

Author: TRY HYPNOSIS with robito via YouTube
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Brain scans show that most of us spend our days fleeting between remembering the past and imagining the future. When we do this, the Default Mode Network becomes more active.

The problem with this is negativity bias. This is the strong human tendency to focus on the negative (regretting the past and worrying about the future). This increases stress.

Studies show that the past memories we suffer from, including those that shape who we are, are uniformly poor, and their accuracy is no better than chance.

This is because our conscious mind is constantly shaped by the events around us, and it means we spend a good percentage of our time punishing ourselves for many things that are not even true.

Studies show the more active the Default Mode Network, the more people are going to suffer from worry, anxiety and fears that can develop into depression, phobias, addictions, insomnia and physical pain in the body.

The more someone focuses on the present moment, however, the less active the Default Mode Network becomes and the less we ruminate on negative, stressful memories.

This effectively reduces worry, anxiety and fears, while increasing calm, relaxation, peace, objectivity and the ability to connect to one’s subconscious hard drive, our inner knowing.

During a hypnosis session with me, I also demonstrate how to shut down the Default Mode Network and access this peaceful, relaxed state – before amplifying it to take you deep into hypnosis where we make perfect, positive lifestyle changes.

For more information and contact me @

Netflix: The Mind Explained (2019) Meditation Episode.

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