Traditional Mango Murraba Recipe | Aam ka Murabah bananay ka assan Tarika.
Video by E LEARNING & Cooking via YouTube
Traditional Mango Murraba Recipe | Aam ka Murabah bananay ka assan Tarika.
Unripe mangoes help in treating liver disorders because they increase the secretion of bile acids and clean the intestines of bacterial infections. They also have more Antioxidants and Vitamin C than ripe mangoes. These antioxidant properties protect the body against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. One of the benefits of eating raw mango during pregnancy is that it’s safe to eat. You can refer to the nutrition table above to see what nutrients it supplies pregnant women with. It can also make your delivery easier. Below is the nutritional content in 100 grams of diced raw mango. NutrientsValue Energy60 kcalProtein0.5 gFat0.3 gCa rbs17 gVitamin C27.7 mgVitamin A0.2 mgFolate14 mcgVitamin B60.1 mgVitamin K4.2 mcg Raw mango boosts your metabolism thus helping you burn more calories. Since the mangoes are raw and not ripe, they are also lower in calories and contain less sugar, making them perfect for diabetics. Electrolyte imbalances in summer lead to dehydration in the body. Raw mango replenishes the reserves of sodium chloride and iron which are known to leak out through sweat when you indulge in intense cardio or HIIT workouts. Raw mango treats a variety of stomach problems and disorders like constipation, bloating, chronic dyspepsia, indigestion, and even cures morning sickness. Raw mango cleanses the liver and promotes the secretion of bile acid. To make the most of its detoxification effects, you can have it as a salad. Raw mangoes are high in Vitamin C. If that’s not enough, they are also high in Vitamin A, calcium, and magnesium which are useful for releasing toxins from your body and promoting healthy bowel movements in the process.