September 28, 2024

Day5 – Numpy library | 30 Days Free Master Class on Data Science & Analytics

Video by Pantech eLearning via YouTube

Day 2 New Live Link :

1Month Internship on Data Science & Analytics
Reg Link:
Fee : 999.00 Rs
Coupon Code: WELCOMEDSE to get discount Rs 409.00
Attendnace: 6.30 PM IST
Day 1 – Python for Data Science (5 Solved end-to-end Data Science Projects in Python)
Day 2 – Advanced Python
Day 3 – Pandas Library – Introduction
Day 4 – Pandas – Data Structures
Day 5 – Numpy library – Array Operations | Mathematical Functions
Day 6 – Numpy – Sort , Search and Counting Functions
Day 7 – Matplotlib , Histogram Using Matplotlib | I/O With Numpy
Day 8 – Matplotlib Library – Introduction , Pyplot API | Types Of Plots
Day 9 – Seaborn Library
Day 10 – SKLearn Library
Day 11 – Google Colab Notebook
Day 12 – Python – Date and Time , Data Wrangling
Day 13 – Python – Data Aggregation
Day 14 – Python – Word Tokenization , Stemming and Lammetization
Day 15 – Python – Data Visualization
Day 16 – Python – Statistical Analysis
Day 17 – Python – Types Of Distribution
Day 18 – Python – Correlation ,Chi-Square Test , Linear Regression
Day 19 – Tableau – Introduction and Tools
Day 20 – Tableau – Data Sources , Worksheets
Day 21 – Spatial DataScience For Covid-19 Disease Prediction
Day 22 – PowerBI – Introduction,Installation Steps|Architecture.
Day 23 – PowerBI – Data Modelling , Visualization Options|Excel Integration.
Day 24 – Parkinson’s Disease Prediction – XGBoost Classifier
Day 25 – House Price Prediction – Random Forest Regression
Day 26 – Customer Segmentation Using ML – K-Means Clustering
Day 27 – Home Loan Prediction – Decision Tree Classifier
Day 28 – Spam Classification – NLP
Day 29 – Hand Written Digit Recognition Using Python – CNN
Day 30 – Churn Prediction – Deep Learning

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