July 7, 2024
The Amazing Spiderweb #Spiderweb # cobweb # spider's web # a spider web #nature #science

The Amazing Spiderweb #Spiderweb # cobweb # spider’s web # a spider web #nature #science

The Amazing Spiderweb #Spiderweb # cobweb # spider's web # a spider web #nature #science

Video by E-Learning for KIDS via YouTube

What is a spiderweb?
A spider web, spiderweb, spider’s web, or cobweb is a network of silken thread spun by most spiders extruded from its spinnerets.This silk consists of proteins. Spider silk is one of the strongest and most versatile materials in the world.

Spiderweb vs Cobweb
Spider web is a web that is apparently still in use , whereas cobweb refers to abandoned (i.e. dusty) webs.Cobweb is also used by biologists to describe the tangled three-dimensional web of some spiders.

Video credits:
Crusader Garden – 18349
Green Screen Magic

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