April 26, 2024

💯% Free: Special Ed #SpEd & Digital #Accessibility Resources During #RemoteLearning from Microsoft Education

Author: Lisa Nielsen
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New Special Education site in the Microsoft Educator CommunityInnovative educators know how important it is to provide inclusive, accessible learning environments for their students. While, many have figured this out in the classroom, when teaching and learning remotely, it’s a little different. 

Microsoft has you covered!

They’ve put together a resource to support educators in creating a personalized and engaging remote learning experience for all students including those with disabilities and who speak languages other than English.  

Remote learning and the use of technology has provided innovative educators with opportunities to try new ways of providing services, collection data, and connecting with students and families. 

The resources provides information on the following:

Supporting a new model to deliver specially designed instruction

Support for students

Inclusive practices for all learners

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