March 16, 2025
🔴 LINGOKIDS SONGS | ABC Chant + BUBBLES + More Songs for Kids 🎶

🔴 LINGOKIDS SONGS | ABC Chant + BUBBLES + More Songs for Kids 🎶

Video by Lingokids – The playlearning app via YouTube
🔴 LINGOKIDS SONGS | ABC Chant + BUBBLES + More Songs for Kids 🎶

📱💙 Keep playlearning™ with the Lingokids songs and games in the Lingokids app (available on iTunes and Google Play):

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Watch our Playlists:
Lingokids Originals 💃🎵

Dance Songs for Toddlers🕺🎵

Numbers and Counting Songs 🔢🎵

Daily Routine Songs for Kids 🛀🎵

With our Lingokids Originals Streaming, you’ll be able to find all your favorite Lingokids hits in one place! Join the LingoCrew as they sing and dance their way through all the Lingokids classics, including the ABC Chant and our Washing Hands Song.

#Lingokids #dancesongs #songsforkids

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