March 14, 2025

17 Popular Sites Like Quizlet (Updated: Jun 5th, 2019)


an example search result

How moreofit Searches

Each website has a unique tag signature — a set of words
that users have described the website as. Moreofit searches
for websites that have similar tag signatures and displays the results.

1: Similarity

A site’s “similarity” is determined by how well its tag signature matches the tag
signature that is being searched for. A 100% match means that it has the exact same
tags in the exact same order, while a 0% match means it has no tags in common.

2: Popularity

The popularity of a website is, well, pretty much self explanatory.

3: Tag Signature

The tag signatures show how a site is described. The deeper the color of the tag,
the more frequently the website is tagged as this. Tags underlined blue denote a tag
that is in common with the search’s tag signature.