March 31, 2025
7) CTET Online Class 2023  |  EVS Pedagogy | CTET 2023 EVS Pedagogy Class | VJ Education

7) CTET Online Class 2023 | EVS Pedagogy | CTET 2023 EVS Pedagogy Class | VJ Education

Video by VJ Education -Teaching Exams via YouTube
7) CTET Online Class 2023  |  EVS Pedagogy | CTET 2023 EVS Pedagogy Class | VJ Education

CTET Online Class 2023 | EVS Pedagogy | CTET 2023 EVS Pedagogy Class BY : PRIYA CHOUHAN Ma’am

In this video, we’ll explore the definition of CTET 2023 EVS Pedagogy Class , the different types of EVS Pedagogy, and the importance of EVS Pedagogy in education. We’ll also discuss some of the key principles of pedagogy, such as active learning, constructivism, and differentiation.
This video is for anyone who is interested in learning more about pedagogy, including teachers, students, parents, and anyone else who is involved in education.

This video will give you a better understanding of what pedagogy is and why it’s important. You’ll also learn about the different types of pedagogy and the key principles of pedagogy. This knowledge will help you to become a more effective learner or teacher.

Whether you’re preparing for an upcoming Teaching exam, seeking a basic understanding of EVS Pedagogy , or simply looking to expand your knowledge, CTET 2023 EVS Pedagogy Class is the perfect resource for you. This video serves as an invaluable tool for students, CTET Online Class 2023 , and anyone intrigued by the complexities of human behavior.

So, grab your notepads, sit back, and get ready to dive into the captivating world of CTET Online Class 2023 with CTET 2023 EVS Pedagogy Class. Subscribe to the channel to stay updated with future lessons, discussions, and insights that will unlock the secrets of the human mind and enhance your understanding of the fascinating field of EVS Pedagogy. Let’s embark on this incredible learning journey together! environmental studies pedagogy

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About Dr. Vandana Jadon Ma’am:
👏Dr. Vandana Jadon is an Educational Psychologist and Motivational Speaker. She is teaching educational psychology for competitive exams for the last 22 years.👏

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“ VJ Education” is an online educational platform. This is a Leading platform for competitors and Govt. job seekers. VJ Education is a completely online exam preparation ecosystem for all the competitive exams in India.

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“ VJ Education” assists aspirants for Central and State Level Exams, Teaching Exams (CTET, REET, UPTET, MPTET), Police, and Patwar.
~Team VJ Education By Dr. Vandana Jadon Ma’am
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