February 23, 2025

5 Reasons To Use FigJam This School Year and more

5 Reasons To Use FigJam This School Year


Guest Post by Tom Mullaney. Tom infuses professional development with creativity, collaboration, and fun based on his experience as a Special Education and Social Studies teacher.  FigJam is a collaborative whiteboard that students and teachers can use to brainstorm, ideate, and collaborate. From simple drawings to sticky notes and comments, …

Aprende inglés o chino a tu ritmo con TutorABC
Educación 3.0 – Esta plataforma de eLearning ofrece clases de idiomas en línea para todas las edades, que pueden reservarse en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar para adaptarse a las necesidades de cada estudiante…

The Future of Online Education

Educational Technology

​The landscape of education has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with online education emerging as a prominent and accessible alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar learning. This shi…

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The influence of course community and personal community support on learner engagement in online courses

Latest Results for Educational Technology Research and Development

Learner engagement in online courses is impacted by a wide variety of factors. The purpose of this study was to understand to what extent course community support and personal community support influence learner engagement. Students who had recently completed an online course in a small art and design school w…