A Case Study in Distance Learning Systems [microform] : University of Nairobi Correspondence Courses…
Source: https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/5381309

20 p.
A case study of the correspondence course unit at the University of Nairobi, an Open University school, is presented. Areas of discussion include characteristics of the country, the educational system provided by the Government of Kenya, and the correspondence course unit. Specific topics include: the physical setting of Kenya; communications; the political situation; instructional methods and media; course development; student admission, registration and records; student guidance; student assessment and testing; organization and administration of the university; and resources. (SW)
Availability: The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom.
ERIC Note: For related document, see HE 012 498.
May also be available online. Address as at 14/8/18: https://eric.ed.gov/