April 23, 2024
A Level Biology Revision “Haemoglobin and the Oxygen Dissociation Curve”

A Level Biology Revision “Haemoglobin and the Oxygen Dissociation Curve”

A Level Biology Revision “Haemoglobin and the Oxygen Dissociation Curve”

Author: Freesciencelessons via YouTube
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A Level Biology Revision “Haemoglobin and the Oxygen Dissociation Curve”

In this video, we look at the role of haemoglobin in transporting oxygen. First we explore how erythrocytes (red blood cells) are adapted for oxygen transport. We then look at the structure of haemoglobin and how haemoglobin binds reversibly to oxygen. Finally, we explore the oxygen dissociation curve for haemoglobin and look at how oxygen binding shows positive cooperativity.

Image credits:

Zephyris at the English language Wikipedia / CC BY-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)

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