December 7, 2024

About Genomics | NHGRI


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Genomics 101

Your genome contains many important clues about you—from your ancestry to the way your body responds to diseases, medications, and aging. Find out how the rapidly emerging field of genomics is transforming our understanding of human health and enabling advances that benefit all of humankind.

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Dive into Genomics

NHGRI offers access to reliable and timely information about genomics research and the human genome. Our resources and partnerships help spark scientific curiosity, improve genomic literacy, and foster engagement among learners in different communities.

Girl holding double helix

The Glossary of Genetic Terms contains 100s of definitions and colorful illustrations in English and Spanish to help you dive in and learn key genomic concepts. Search for any genomic term to learn more.

Genomics in the Classroom

We’re creating a world more knowledgeable about genomics by putting information about groundbreaking research and technological advances in the hands of teachers and students.

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Kids doing science experiment

Last updated: March 24, 2019

‘ ).append( [
// $( ‘

‘ ).append( [
// $( ‘

    ‘ ).append( Slides )
    // ] ),
    // $( ‘

    ‘ ).append( Bullets )
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    // }

    // function ConstructSocialTiles( el ) {

    // var Cells = [];
    // for( var i = SocialPosts.length – 1; i >= 0; i — ) {
    // Cells.unshift(
    // $( ‘

    ‘ ).append( [
    // $( ‘

    ‘ ).append( [
    // $( ‘

    ‘ )
    // ] )
    // ] )
    // );
    // }

    // el.append( [
    // $( ‘

    ‘ ).append( Cells )
    // ] );

    // }

    // var _jQuery;
    // Object.defineProperty( window, ‘jQuery’, {
    // get: function() { return _jQuery; },
    // set: function( $ ) {
    // _jQuery = $;

    // // Wait for JS to load…

    // // var SocialDock = $( ‘#footer .social-dock’ ).empty();
    // var SocialDock = $( ‘#footer .social-dock’ );
    // ConstructSocialSlider( SocialDock );
    // ConstructSocialTiles( SocialDock );

    // }
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    // } )();
