December 21, 2024
ACRL Presents: Celebrating Open Access Week: Scaling Open to Fit Local Needs

ACRL Presents: Celebrating Open Access Week: Scaling Open to Fit Local Needs

Author: Association of College and Research Libraries via YouTube
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ACRL Presents: Celebrating Open Access Week: Scaling Open to Fit Local Needs

Recording of the October 25, 2021, ACRL Presents: Celebrating Open Access Week: Scaling Open to Fit Local Needs with speakers, Mahrya Burnett, Jenelys Cox, Brittany Dudek, &
CJ Ivory.

ACRL is excited to offer a free webcast in celebration of the 14th annual International Open Access Week. Institutions’ approaches to ‘Open’ movements, specifically Open Access and Open Educational Resources, can vary wildly depending on institutional size, financial situation, staff availability, and community needs. Projects need to be adapted to meet the unique nature of each institution. Join authors from ACRL’s forthcoming Scholarly Communications Cookbook to learn how librarians at all kinds of institutions can adapt workshops, consultations, and other projects to their local needs. This panel consists of recipe authors from different institution types: a regional comprehensive university, an R-1 flagship university, a private university, and a community college system. Panelists will describe some of the open initiatives at their institutions and how they have scaled the project to their specific needs. They will also offer suggestions for adapting open projects to your needs.

ACRL Presents webcasts are provided as a free resource to the academic library community. Your donation to the ACRL Advancement Fund, which supports initiatives that strengthen ACRL’s influence in higher education and its ability to create diverse and inclusive communities in the association and the profession, allows ACRL to continue providing these important resources at no cost.

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