May 3, 2024
ACRL ULS PDC: Libraries and Learning Analytics: Facts, False Choices, and Future Forays

ACRL ULS PDC: Libraries and Learning Analytics: Facts, False Choices, and Future Forays

ACRL ULS PDC: Libraries and Learning Analytics: Facts, False Choices, and Future Forays

Author: Association of College and Research Libraries via YouTube
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ACRL ULS PDC: Libraries and Learning Analytics: Facts, False Choices, and Future Forays

Recording of the November 15, 2021 ACRL ULS PDC: Libraries and Learning Analytics: Facts, False Choices, and Future Forays presentation.

Learning analytics offers a new tool in the library assessment toolbox, one that closes gaps left by other assessment methods but also raises myriad questions for librarians. As higher education institutions expand their learning analytics initiatives, librarians need to prepare to participate in learning analytics as campus partners. Librarians should be aware of current definitions and common deployment models for institutional learning analytics, understand the purposes and pitfalls of learning analytics as an approach to support student learning, and develop a plan for learning analytics engagement that fits their values as well as institutional and library needs. To advance this work, librarians need to know the facts, avoid false choices, and plan for deep engagement. This panel will include introductory content defining learning analytics from a higher education perspective, outlining the purposes of learning analytics as an assessment approach in support of student success, and describing “false choices” that often derail discussions of learning analytics in the library community.

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