January 31, 2025
Android Gif Builder App (new course)

Android Gif Builder App (new course)

Video by CodingWithMitch via YouTube
Android Gif Builder App (new course)

Watch the course: https://codingwithmitch.com/courses/giffit-a-gif-building-app/

Learn to create an android app that builds gifs! The gifs are saved to the phones public storage so you can share them with other apps.

1. Android file system
2. Reading and Writing files to internal and external storage
3. Asking for permissions
4. Scoped Storage
5. output streams
6. input streams
7. Jetpack Compose
8. Gesture with compose
9. Kotlin
10. Coroutines and flows
11. MVVM / MVI architecture
12. Managing state
13. Building a gif
14. Resizing a gif
15. Capturing bitmaps
16. Capturing screenshots as bitmaps
17. Handling Errors
18. Hilt for dependency injection
19. Coil



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