February 26, 2025
AndroidView - #8 Jetpack Compose Crash Course

AndroidView – #8 Jetpack Compose Crash Course

Video by Simplified Coding via YouTube
AndroidView - #8 Jetpack Compose Crash Course

Jetpack Compose Crash Course #8 AndroidView

If you remember, the last video was about using Composables inside XML, and in this video we will do the opposite.
We will learn how to use XMLs inside Composables. This feature is very handy in the following cases
👉 You have some existing XML Layouts, that you do not want to recreate with Compose.
👉 You have a CustomView, that you are not able to design (or it is very difficult to design) in Compose.
By the end of this video you will fully understand how to interoperably work between compose and XMLs.

Visit this link for the source code
👉 https://simplifiedcoding.in/download/22

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You can also check some of my other courses from these links
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👉 Android MVVM Tutorial: https://bit.ly/3iLfVzu
👉 Android Game Development Tutorial: http://bit.ly/38JmltC
👉 Retrofit Android Tutorial: http://bit.ly/2DEwAl1
👉 Android RecyclerView Tutorial: http://bit.ly/2TqVjPz
👉 Android Room Tutorial: http://bit.ly/2PfQHeN
👉 Firebase Auth Tutorial: http://bit.ly/2WUGhEo
👉 Android Notification Tutorial: http://bit.ly/2Sc6jQl
👉 Building a Complete Wallpaper App: http://bit.ly/30UN8zV
👉 Build Tic Tac Toe in Android: http://bit.ly/30goxW0

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Music | Bubblegum by Declan DP
Watch: https://youtu.be/q6Nz3QoXORo
License: https://license.declandp.info
Download/Stream: https://decdp.co.uk/xL26G3


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