March 14, 2025

Artificial Intelligence in Education focusing on the Skills3.0 project. Inge de Waard @ignatia

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Hoy traemos a este espacio esta slideshare titulada  “Artificial Intelligence in Education focusing on the Skills3.0 project” de Inge de Waard
This presentation was given during the Elearning Fusion conference in Warsaw, Poland – April 2019. The presentation begins with a bit of algorithm, AI, machine learning history and background, provides some examples of AI in learning and finalizes with the Skills 3.0 project where InnoEnergy is working on.

Inge de Waard

Inge de Waard
    • Aalter, BelgiumBelgium
  • Dr in Online Learning Technology: passionate, mobile, AI, MOOC, blended… I just love it!
  • Education
  • Working at InnoEnergy (and affiliated Open University, UK) on anything online/blended learning strategies. This combines research and professional areas I have been working in for years at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium and at the University of Athabasca, Canada. In the past I have been the eLearning coordinator at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Belgium for which I started and coordinated multiple mobile and online projects in developed and developing regions (Peru, India, Ecuador, Belgium, South Africa, Morocco, …)°. The projects involved change management, as well

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