Artificial Intelligence in Education focusing on the Skills3.0 project. Inge de Waard @ignatia
Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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This presentation was given during the Elearning Fusion conference in Warsaw, Poland – April 2019. The presentation begins with a bit of algorithm, AI, machine learning history and background, provides some examples of AI in learning and finalizes with the Skills 3.0 project where InnoEnergy is working on.
- Aalter, Belgium, Belgium
- Dr in Online Learning Technology: passionate, mobile, AI, MOOC, blended… I just love it!
- Education
- Working at InnoEnergy (and affiliated Open University, UK) on anything online/blended learning strategies. This combines research and professional areas I have been working in for years at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium and at the University of Athabasca, Canada. In the past I have been the eLearning coordinator at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Belgium for which I started and coordinated multiple mobile and online projects in developed and developing regions (Peru, India, Ecuador, Belgium, South Africa, Morocco, …)°. The projects involved change management, as well
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