February 14, 2025

Book Review: Sarah Pozdol’s Cruise the Course Vol. 1

Author: Seth Buchwalter
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Cruise Control?

There are so many obstacle course training methods: websites, Instagram accounts, and simply trying to figure it out by yourself on an old set of monkey bars at the local elementary school. While all of these options can provide valuable insight or experience for your OCR conquests, one method, in particular, has made a name for itself with an actual, physical, black and white print on paper, where the trainee can sit down and get a strong education for the movements they’re about to encounter.

Sarah Pozdol has developed the Cruise the Course, a book and companion website where you can develop your training and learn even more about your potential – ocrtraining.com.  She lays out all the information you’ll need to jumpstart your OCR domination. I worked with Pozdol for a month on Cruise the Course Vol. 1, which is a great first opportunity to “find your fire” in OCR.

Meet Your (Fitness) Cruise Director

Pozdol’s credentials are quite impressive, as she holds multiple certifications including NASM, CPT, and Youth Exercise Specialist, CrossFit L2, CrossFit Gymnastics, Spartan SGX Level 1 and Spartan Obstacle Specialist.

Workout Structure

The great thing about Pozdol’s training program are the expectations set in the beginning, plus the strong perspective she lays out to encourage mental and physical strength and overall improvement. “Brain breaks” are essential throughout the workout progression to ensure your mind is prepared to take on these strenuous workouts. Breath control, mobility, mindfulness, energy expenditure, and hydration are all key points among the fantastic workouts in the book.

Cruise the Course, Vol. 1 provides the OCR enthusiast with 50 workouts, each with emphasis on which focus you should concentrate, whether it’s for time, cycle or distance, and where you should expect to train – inside, outside or a functional facility.

Equipment is also listed on all workouts, and many of the suggested pieces are available at www.ocrtraining.com. Luckily, OCR training requires minimal equipment, unless you’re looking to step up your game. Never forget there are always ways to modify your workouts.

Baseline to Finish Line

Before you start this program, Pozdol’s fitness test puts a tangible baseline number down for the athlete to compare as they progress in the program, consisting of a 1-mile run, max burpees in two minutes, max dead hang, hand transfers while hanging, and plank hold. The book lists tables on all of its workouts, including the fitness test, where you’ll monitor your progress, listing time and date for each attempt at a workout. Yes, you’re going to want to go back and check those old stats. It’s amazing what beating yourself a few weeks, or even days later, can do to your mental game!

Workouts are labeled 1-50, and Pozdol sends clients an email with what she wants them to concentrate on during that week. For example, week 1, you’ll do your fitness test, then throughout the remainder of the week, could be assigned workouts 21, 14, 18, 50 and a rest day. Pozdol works with each individual client to develop the weekly plan that’s perfect for them.

Regardless of your athleticism, movements can be modified to ensure you’re developing the proper form, which will develop your strength as an athlete. You can always add weight or reps to your workout to do what’s best for you.

The motivational quotes atop of each page are a great way to start the workouts. Everyone from Babe Ruth and Arnold Schwarzenegger, to Confucius and Pozdol herself, will give you that boost needed to begin.

Interactive Training

Another great thing about the book is the movement glossary, which provides a QR code, linking to each movement listed within the workouts. You should never attempt a movement if you’re not certain about the proper form necessary for a safe and effective attempt; move well, perform well! Additionally, Sarah discusses everything from expectations of this training method, OCR training equipment, race day clothing essentials, and food to get you on your way within the book.

The Cruise the Course program is certainly a top recommendation for OCR enthusiasts of all abilities, whether you’re just starting out, or using it as a reference for upping your game to hit that coveted podium.

Thank you for the great opportunity, Sarah. Cruise the Course workouts are constantly being worked into my continued training. I’ll always use it as a reference or for motivation as I progress in my OCR career!

Getting Started

How do you get your hands on this incredibly valuable OCR resource?

Cruise The Course™ is a 365 days of the year program providing a linear, progressive OCR training meant to increase agility, speed, strength, endurance, and mobility on and off the course!

Head over to ocrtraining.com and scroll down just a bit to the “Train” section, start with the “CLAIM MY FREE TRIAL” and get 7 days to test out the program. From there, it’s then $69/mo. if you choose to continue.

The post Book Review: Sarah Pozdol’s Cruise the Course Vol. 1 appeared first on Mud Run, OCR, Obstacle Course Race & Ninja Warrior Guide.

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