September 20, 2024

Can Education Keep Up with Advanced Technologies? – Alex Kaplan

Author: Project Ungoverned? via YouTube
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Can Education Keep Up with Advanced Technologies? - Alex Kaplan

Online Conference: Exploring the Possibilities, Challenges, and Processes of Governance in (24th January 2019)

Presentation by Alex Kaplan, Member of IBM Industry Academy, Global Leader of Strategic Deals, IBM:
Can Education Keep Up with Advanced Technologies?

This online conference marks the final phase of Project Ungoverned? The Online Learning Landscape and follows our podcast series, which looked at online education and its governance across the globe, including new ways of teaching and learning, data privacy, enabling technologies, and online higher education.

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About Project Ungoverned
Project Ungoverned? takes place within the Bosch Alumni Network ( – a network which consists of people who’ve been supported in one way or another by the Robert Bosch Stiftung ( The network is coordinated by the International Alumni Center – (, a think and do tank for alumni communities with social impact. The iac Berlin supports this podcast series and online conference. If you want to know more about the power of networks, visit The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the respective speakers. Email: contact [at]

Rasmus Althaus: Conference Facilitator
Mojca-Marie Erjovec: Communications, Conference Moderator
Nicole Harkin: Podcast Co-host and Co-Producer
Matthias Jochmann: Editor, Podcast and Video
Dr. Kim Ochs: Creator, Podcast Co-host and Co-Producer
Jelena Prtoric: Social Media

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