July 3, 2024

VR project with a serious effort

Author: chandresh shah Go to Source This project is based on Virtual Reality. If you...

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Best of eLearning Learning for March 9, 2019

Author: Go to Source Best of eLearning LearningMarch 9, 2019COMMLAB INDIA | SATURDAY, MARCH 9,...

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When To Use Visuals in Your Report, Presentation, or Informational Social Media

Author: susan smith nash Go to Source What’s the quickest way to “Death By PowerPoint”? ...

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One on One with Jonathan Satchell, CEO, LTG (EXCLUSIVE)

Author: Craig Weiss Go to Source Greetings and welcome to my debut One on One...

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Supporting autistic students at university through technology

Author: kate.edser@jisc.ac.uk Go to Source 2019 Digifest speaker, Dr Marc Fabri, led a project to...

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Standard deviation

Author: Go to Source Photo by Pedro Figueras on PexelsIn my last post I wrote...

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Why learning professionals – managers, project managers, interactive designers, learning experience designers, whatever, should not ignore research

Author: Donald Clark Go to Source Why do learning professionals in L and D –...

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Making Baseball Fun Again

Author: Stephen Downes Go to Source Photo: Caitlin Tomotsugu throws a pitch. Photo credit: Darryl...

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[mooc] Start des MOOC „Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie“ #gadi19 #imoox

Author: Martin Go to Source Meine Lehrveranstaltung „Gesellschafliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie“ die heuer bereits zum...

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A journey through open education

Author: mweller Go to Source On the 19th Feb I gave my inaugural lecture (rather...

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