July 1, 2024

#3quotes from Bruner

Author: Go to Source Photo by Crabchick on FlickrIn my #3quotes series I have been...

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Musk’s OpenAI breakthrough has huge implications for online learning

Author: Donald Clark Go to Source You have probably never heard of GPT-2 but it...

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[presentation] Maker education in curricula and beyond – current state and approaches in Austria #making #makereducation #tugraz

Author: Martin Go to Source At the DOIT Expert Meeting in Vienna I got the...

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How To Design Learner-First Training

Author: Alastair Simpson Go to Source The learner-first training model is simple but radically different...

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I’m Speaking at Learning Solutions 2019

Author: Christy Tucker Go to Source I will be speaking twice at the Learning Solutions...

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Shift from Flash to HTML5: How it can yield immense paybacks

Author: Sonal Sheth Go to Source It’s official that Flash will be making an exit...

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EEP News: Carnegie Mellon and Duke Lower Barriers to Conducting Educational Research

Author: Michael Feldstein Go to Source I'm thrilled to announce our first Empirical Educator Project...

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the universal mother

Author: Harold Jarche Go to Source Umair Haque has written what some might consider a...

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Congratulations to our Learn Moodle 3.6 Basics MOOC participants

Author: Go to Source by Helen Foster.  Thanks to everyone who participated in the recent...

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There’s Only One Person Whose Opinion About NC Really Matters

Author: david Go to Source Over the last 24 hours there’s been a short Twitter...

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