July 3, 2024

Moodle App 3.6

Author: Go to Source by Juan Leyva.  I'm pleased to announce the release of version...

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How to Transcribe Text into PowerPoint & E-Learning Courses

Author: Go to Source I’ve been playing around with ideas to get old Flash course...

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MWL Newsletter No 98

Author: Jane Hart Go to Source Articles and news about Modern Workplace Learning (MWL) for...

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Burgers and Basics

Author: aysha-ashley-househ Go to Source Mike Prokopeak is vice president and editor in chief at...

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Fun Learning Games for Snowy Days

Author: Stephanie Ivec Go to Source We are well into winter and chances are, by...

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Error when uploading zipped SCORM 1_2 to LMS

Author: LJF5901263 Go to Source Hi I’ve developed 9 separate modules for a course and...

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Studierende aktivieren – zweites Online-Event zur Themeneinheit

Author: Go to Source Im zweiten Online-Event der Themeneinheit "Studierende aktivieren" des Qualifizierungsspecials "learning e-learning"...

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Best of eLearning Learning for January 14, 2019

Author: Go to Source Best of eLearning LearningJanuary 14, 2019TOPYX LMS | MONDAY, JANUARY 14,...

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State of the E-Learning Industry 2019

Author: Craig Weiss Go to Source Normally, folks write up a state of the industry...

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Member stories: moving towards Education 4.0

Author: kate.edser@jisc.ac.uk Go to Source Have you been following all the coverage about the fourth...

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