January 5, 2025

Changing the game in Education through eLearning | Penelope Tainton @PennyTainton | TEDxCapeTown

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Hoy traemos a este espacio esta TEDtalk, titulada  Changing the game in Education through eLearning | de Penelope Tainton | en el TEDxCapeTown
y que nos presentan así:

Changing the game in Education through the eLearning Game Changer aims to deliver better opportunities to one million Western Cape learners, and requires deep commitment to the success of a project that places the learner front and centre, driving systemic transformation in the way that government delivers to its client.

Penelope Anne Tainton is a dynamic, proactive presence in the South African government and political arena. In her current position, working in the Delivery Support Unit of the Department of the Premier, Penny leads the progress and delivery of two of the Western Cape Government’s Game Changers, namely eLearning and the After School Programme. 
An involved citizen of South Africa, Penny is passionate about extending her services to areas of society where she can make a difference, bring about positive change and realise improved standards. A major driver in her work is finding innovative solutions to the inequalities that remain in society, and most particularly in the child’s experience in education.

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