February 14, 2025

Course: eLearning Courses

Source https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=531

Topic outline

  • General
  • Health Inequalities: Awareness

    Health Inequalities: Awareness


    The module looks at a definition of health inequalities and asks a participant to reflect on their own practice, identifying what they can do to reduce them.

    Target audience: This module is suitable for anyone who plans or delivers services to the public.

    The course includes four sections and should take around 30 minutes to complete,

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of this module you should be able to:

    • Define health inequalities and their main causes
    • Recognise interventions which are effective in reducing health inequalities
    • Reflect on how your own role can contribute to reducing health inequalities
    • Identify the next steps to develop your health inequalities knowledge or practice further


    Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=507



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    • Tackling Health Inequalities within health & social care

      Tackling Health Inequalities within health & social care


      This emodule will explore what health inequalities are and what they mean for your role and practice in health and social care

      This module is suitable for staff from all sectors of the health & social care workforce who have or have potential to impact on health inequalities (this can include health, local authority, independent and voluntary sector and volunteers.)

      The module includes 5 sections and should take around 1 hour and half hours to complete.

      Learning outcomes

      By the end of the module, you should be able to:

      • Define health inequalities and its main causes within health and social care
      • Interpret the evidence on what works and does not work to reduce health Inequalities
      • Evaluate the different ways health and social care staff can take action to reduce health inequalities
      • Reflect how your own specific role can contribute to reducing health inequalities within health and social care


      Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=506



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      • Child Poverty, Health & Wellbeing

        Child Poverty, Health & Wellbeing


        This module aims to raise your awareness of child poverty in Scotland and how poverty can impact on children and young people’s health and wellbeing. The module will look at causes of child poverty, how it is measured and you will spend time considering your role in tackling child poverty.

        This module will provide learning support on child poverty for health visitors and midwives – through both undergraduate programmes in higher education institutions and continuing professional development in Scotland – and support them to consider their role in helping to assist children and their families who are living in poverty and affected by austerity.

        In addition, this resource will be particularly relevant to individuals working across health, social care, education, the public sector and people who are in contact with children at work.

        The module includes five sections and should take around 2.5 hours to complete.

        Learning outcomes

        After completing the module you will be able to:

        • Describe what child poverty is and what causes it
        • Outline how child poverty is defined and measured in Scotland
        • Explain how poverty impacts children and young people’s health and wellbeing
        • Reflect on your role in reducing the impact of child poverty


        Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course –

        enrol in course


        access course

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        • Preventing unintentional injuries in early years

          Preventing unintentional injuries in early years


          Unintentional injury is one of the main causes of death and is the most common cause of emergency hospitals admissions in children aged under 15 in Scotland.

          The aim of this module is to explore what unintentional injuries are, their causes and effects and how to prevent these injuries.

          This module is for all adults including family, those who have a professional, and voluntary relationships with early years, children and families across Scotland.

          The module should take between 30 – 40 minutes to complete depending on your reading speed.

          Learning outcomes

          By the end of this module you should be able to:

          • Define unintentional injuries and the scale of the problem for children in Scotland
          • Be aware of relevant legislation and policies and consider how they could be applied in practice.
          • Identify the risk factors which predispose children to unintentional injury throughout childhood development
          • Identify actions to prevent unintentional injuries
          • Reflect on your own practice


          Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course

          Unintentional Injuries


          Unintentional Injuries

          • Health Behaviour Change Level 1

            Health Behaviour Change Level 1


            According to the Scottish Health Survey the following factors have been identified as the risk factors that account for around 90% of the total burden of disease in developed countries:

            • alcohol consumption
            • smoking
            • low fruit and vegetable consumption
            • low levels of physical activity and
            • obesity

            While the population’s health has been increasing overall, the gap in health outcomes between rich and poor is growing. Self-assessed health declines as levels of deprivation increase. In the least deprived areas 84% of people report good health and 2% bad health. Compared to most deprived areas where 57% report good health and 18% bad health.

            This module is for anyone who wants to learn more about health behaviour change and who has (or thinks they could have) a role in improving health

            The course includes 5 sections and should take around 2 hours to complete.

            Learning outcomes

            By the end of this module you will be able to:

            • Describe what health behaviour change is and why it is important as an approach
            • Examine the relationship between health behaviours, health outcomes and health inequalities
            • Clarify your role in supporting health behaviour change
            • Know the process of how to raise lifestyle issues appropriately and sensitively in a person centred way
            • Support individuals to access relevant information or services local to them


            Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=330



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            • Health Behaviour Change Level 2

              Health Behaviour Change Level 2


              This module builds on learning covered in module HBC Level 1 and is part of a blended learning course in health behaviour change.

              It provides the background theory to techniques used in supporting change. To put this theory into practice it is recommended that participants undertake skills-based face-to-face sessions offered by NHS Health Scotland accredited trainers or through equivalent training offered by their own organisation or profession.

              The course includes 5 sections and should take around 2 hours to complete.

              Learning outcomes

              After completing this module you will be able to:

              • Define the links between public health, health behaviour change and health inequalities
              • Understand the underlying principles for fostering a good alliance and structuring a brief intervention
              • Demonstrate knowledge of the potential impact of social and cultural difference on the effectiveness and acceptability of an intervention for all clients
              • Identify a range of health behaviour techniques and understand their application to support change within individuals and groups
              • Reflect on your own practice, development needs, beliefs and values


              Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=411



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              • Raising the Issue of Child Healthy Weight

                Raising the Issue of Child Healthy Weight


                This module is for anyone who has or thinks they could have a role to play in identifying or raising the issue of child healthy weight.

                The course includes four sections and should take around 3 hours to complete.

                Learning outcomes

                By the end of this module you will:

                • Develop understanding of child healthy weight by identifying, need, motivation, barriers and potential for improving health and preventing future ill health.
                • Critically reflect on own role and impact in relation to promoting child healthy weight and strategies for overcoming barriers.
                • Develop motivation and confidence to competently raise and briefly discuss the issue of child healthy weight.
                • Develop knowledge and understanding of existing services and provision to support target populations.
                • To apply the knowledge learnt to support individuals and families by appropriately raising the subject and choosing a suitable approach.


                Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=314



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                • Raising the Issue of Maternal and Infant Nutrition

                  Raising the Issue of Maternal and Infant Nutrition


                  These resources have been developed in partnership with subject matter experts and representatives from the NHS, public and voluntary sector. They are designed to support the workforce in implementing Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition: A Framework for Action and the Refreshed Framework for Maternity Care Services

                  This module is for anyone who has or thinks they could have a role to play in identifying or raising the issue of maternal and infant nutrition.

                  The module should take around 3 hours to complete.

                  Learning outcomes

                  After completing the module you will have:

                  • Awareness of the range of factors which influence our own and others’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours relating to maternal and infant nutrition
                  • Identified and reflected on own and others’ roles in relation to influencing maternal and infant nutrition, identifying impact and limitations
                  • Awareness of the benefits of a healthy balanced diet, including impact on long term health outcomes
                  • Developed understanding of the key messages to support women and their families
                  • Explored how to support individuals in identifying their needs, the support they require and choosing a suitable approach
                  • Reflected on techniques to raise and briefly discuss the issue of maternal and infant nutrition or signpost appropriately


                  Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=368



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                  • Raising the Issue of Physical Activity

                    Raising the Issue of Physical Activity


                    This module is for anyone who has or thinks they could have a role to play in identifying or raising the issue of physical activity.

                    This module should take around 2 hours to complete

                    Learning outcomes

                    After completing this module you will have:

                    • Developed an understanding of ‘health enhancing physical activity’
                    • Reflected on your role in promoting physical activity
                    • Developed the motivation and confidence to raise the issue
                    • Developed knowledge and understanding on how to raise the issue
                    • Been enabled to apply knowledge and learning


                    Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=315



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                    • Raising the Issue of Smoking

                      Raising the Issue of Smoking


                      This module is relevant for anyone who, in the course of their work, is likely to come into contact with people who smoke.

                      You can complete this eLearning module as a stand alone resource or you may have been given this module to complete by your trainer as part of a blended face to face training for the Raising the Issue of Smoking Generic, Pregnancy or Mental Health training.

                      It is relevant for a range of staff including GPs, nurses, health visitors, community workers, voluntary sector staff and other professionals involved in encouraging improved health and well-being for those they work with.

                      Learning outcomes

                      After completion, you will be able to:

                      • demonstrate an understanding of the purpose and benefits of brief intervention in relation to smoking
                      • demonstrate an understanding of the process for delivering brief intervention
                      • demonstrate an understanding of the health benefits offered by stopping smoking


                      Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=427

                      The course includes 6 sections and should take around 2 hours to complete.



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                      • Improving Health: Developing Effective Practice

                        Improving Health: Developing Effective Practice


                        IH:DEP is a blended learning course, with a focus on analysing and improving practice.

                        Learning outcomes

                        On completion of the course you will be able to:

                        • Critically examine concepts and models of health, health improvement and health promotion and show their influence on current practice.
                        • Explain the mutual influences of social, policy, regulatory and legislative drivers on population health outcomes
                        • Appraise the implications of health improvement principles for reducing health inequalities and improving overall population health.
                        • Critically examine own practice in relation to achieving continuous improvement in delivery of interventions aimed to improve health and reduce health inequalities.
                        • Demonstrate personal use of a reflective process to generate experiential learning.


                        To enrol in this course contact NHS Health Scotland’s Workforce Development team directly for details – nhs.healthscotland-lwdteam@nhs.net



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                        • British Sign Language (BSL) and Tactile BSL

                          British Sign Language (BSL) and Tactile BSL


                          This module aims to develop awareness of British Sign Language (BSL) and to share good practice in communicating with people who use BSL to improve experience of services.

                          This module was created in partnership with BSL service users, deafscotland, Deafblind Scotland, Scottish Social Services Council, Care Inspectorate, NHS Education Scotland, NHS Lothian and NHS Forth Valley.

                          Learning outcomes

                          By completing this module you will be able to:

                          • Recognise the different types of communication support needs
                          • Describe the basics of BSL as a language and the rights of BSL users
                          • Respond appropriately to the communication preferences of BSL users
                          • Reflect on ways of improving current practice.


                          Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=539



                          • Stop smoking suite

                            Stop smoking suite


                            This suite of eLearning modules have been designed to provide professional training for stop smoking advisers* and community pharmacists who are or will be supporting smokers through the process of quitting smoking.

                            The module content has been adapted by NHS Health Scotland from materials developed by the NCSCT (The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training).

                            This learning programme is based upon evidence-based behaviour change techniques that are proven to maximise the effectiveness of stop smoking interventions.

                            The course is broken down into a suite of five eLearning modules designed to provide learners with the core knowledge and skills required by stop smoking advisers and community pharmacists in Scotland.

                            Target audience

                            This eLearning suite is designed for:

                            • Stop smoking advisers new to the role
                            • Stop smoking advisers who may wish to refresh their knowledge and skills
                            • Pharmacy staff, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.


                            To enrol in this course click the following link and follow the instructions. If you have any difficulties accessing the suite of resources, contact NHS Health Scotland’s Workforce Development team – nhs.healthscotland-wdteam@nhs.net



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                            • Healthy Young Lives

                              Healthy Young Lives


                              This workshop aims to increase the knowledge and skills of youth work, social care and CLD staff around health promotion. It seeks to enhance their understanding of how, within their own role and remit, they can improve health and address health inequalities for vulnerable young people with whom they work.

                              It will identify which factors can influence the health and wellbeing of vulnerable young people and Identify which health promotion approaches can be applied within their own practice to improve health for vulnerable young people.


                              To enrol in this course contact NHS Health Scotland’s Workforce Development team directly for details – nhs.healthscotland-lwdteam@nhs.net



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                              • Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid: Young People

                                Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid: Young People


                                Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid: Young People (SMHFA: YP) is a 14-hour evidence-based blended learning course for adults who support young people between the ages of 11-17.

                                Learning Outcomes

                                Participants will gain an increased knowledge and awareness of mental health issues, as well as improved confidence in:

                                • Being able to detect problems early
                                • Helping to reduce stigma around mental health issues
                                • Helping young people to recognise problems
                                • Providing guidance and immediate assistance to a young person is crisis.


                                To enrol in this course contact NHS Health Scotland’s Workforce Development team directly for details – nhs.healthscotland-smhfa@nhs.net



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                                • Equality & Human Rights: Putting People at the Centre

                                  Equality & Human Rights: Putting People at the Centre


                                  This module will help you think about the meaning of equality and human rights and how they apply to our personal and work lives.

                                  Learning outcomes

                                  By the end of the module, you should be able to:

                                  • Describe why equality and human rights are important
                                  • Identify the main types of discrimination likely to happen within the work environment
                                  • Identify the main causes of health inequalities and what can be done to promote equality
                                  • Reflect on what this means for your role within health and social care


                                  Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=507



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                                  • Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace

                                    Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace


                                    Healthy Working Lives provides employers in Scotland with support and services to improve the health, safety and well-being of their staff. A face to face training programme for managers on the impact of alcohol and drugs in the workplace has been offered to employers since 2008.

                                    To complement the manager training programme, we now welcome you to the Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace elearning course. This course can be completed on its own by all members of an organisation or as part of a blended learning course for managers.

                                    Learning outcomes

                                    The learning outcomes for the course are:

                                    • Increased knowledge of the impact of alcohol and drugs on the workforce and employer and employee responsibilities
                                    • Increased knowledge of substances and their impact on the individual and workplace
                                    • Increased understanding of the rationale for workplace policies and the legal implications
                                    • Insight into good practice related to alcohol and drugs in the workplace including, application of policy and support for individuals.


                                    Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=415



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                                    • Mentally Healthy Workplaces

                                      Mentally Healthy Workplaces


                                      This training is for anyone who wants to learn more about mental health in the workplace. Everyone has a role to play in creating a mentally healthy workplace and it can have benefits for you and your colleagues. Completing this course can also help your organisation with achieving your Healthy Working Lives award.

                                      Learning outcomes

                                      By completing this course we hope that you will gain:

                                      • An awareness of the differences between mental health and mental health problems
                                      • An awareness of the impact of attitudes, values and culture on mental health in the workplace
                                      • An awareness of what stress is, what can cause it and how it can be managed effectively
                                      • An awareness of the legal implications of the Equality Act 2010 and other legislation on employees and employers
                                      • An understanding of how to promote our own and other people’s mental health in work


                                      Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=95



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                                      • Violence and Aggression in the Workplace

                                        Violence and Aggression in the Workplace


                                        This module is intended for those with responsibility for managing people’s health and safety in the workplace and should be of use to employers and those with management responsibilities in businesses and charitable/voluntary organisations.

                                        In addition, the training tool can be used to provide information and awareness to anyone working with other people, either as customers, clients or colleagues. It shows the issues relating to violence and aggression in the workplace, outlines employers’ responsibilities and gives practical information on how the hazards can be controlled safely.

                                        Learning outcomes

                                        The key learning outcomes are:

                                        • Understanding of the causes and impact of violence and aggression at work
                                        • Knowledge of the legal requirements to manage violence and aggression at work
                                        • Understanding the use of risk assessment in controlling violence and aggression hazards
                                        • Understanding of the types of violence and aggression hazards in the workplace
                                        • Knowledge of techniques to manage these risks at work
                                        • Knowledge of the support available to help and advise on this issue


                                        Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=377



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                                        • Driving Risks at Work

                                          Driving Risks at Work


                                          Welcome to this e-learning awareness course on driving risks at work. This course is based on the toolkit developed by ScORSA. It is for employees and employers alike, to raise awareness of the risks to a business, its employees and members of the public caused by the use of vehicles on our roads.

                                          The course will also suggest good practice ways to prevent road risk and point you towards additional resources that can help an organisation enhance its road safety practices.

                                          Learning outcomes

                                          The Learning Outcomes are to:

                                          • increase your awareness of occupational road risk
                                          • how road risk can affect people in the workplace


                                          Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=446



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                                          • Sensible Risk Assessment

                                            Sensible Risk Assessment


                                            The module is based on the face to face training course provided by Healthy Working Lives Advisors. It’s designed for owners, directors, managers or supervisors or anyone that have health and safety responsibilities over a group of people. One of their responsibilities is to risk assess their activities, the module explains the basic concepts around the risk assessment process and give you access to materials and further resources to help you complete a risk assessment.

                                            Learning Outcomes

                                            This e-learning course involves reading, answering questions and generally thinking about the hazards and risks present at your workplace.

                                            The learning outcomes are:

                                            • Explain the principles, process and benefits of risk assessments within organisations
                                            • Identify a range of workplace hazards that affect employee’s health safety and wellbeing at work


                                            Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=529



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                                            • Supporting Staff Attendance

                                              Supporting Staff Attendance


                                              This module provides support in managing absence from work (sometimes referred to as absence management).

                                              It is targeted at anyone with people management responsibilities within organisations operating in Scotland.

                                              The module highlights some of the benefits of actively managing attendance including support for staff with long-term health conditions, good practise to be adopted and a variety of valuable resources to help you implement these. You will also find out about further support available through Healthy Working Lives and elsewhere

                                              Learning Outcomes

                                              At the end of this module you should be able to:

                                              • define the key components to supporting staff attendance
                                              • describe the principles of effective attendance management
                                              • identify the key support elements to support staff attendance
                                              • develop your own skills and confidence to effectively support staff attendance within your organisation.
                                              • gain knowledge on the fit note – its purpose and how it can be used in supporting staff attendance
                                              • support employees with underlying health conditions.


                                              Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=515



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                                              • Managing Safety and Health: The Basics

                                                Managing Safety and Health: The Basics


                                                Every Business within the UK needs to comply with health and safety law and have policies and procedures in place.

                                                This module provides you with health and safety basic knowledge and information to assist you in ensuring you meet current health and safety laws.

                                                Learning Outcomes

                                                By completing this module you will meet the following learning outcomes,

                                                1. Understanding of health and safety law
                                                2. Your responsibilities – having basic arrangements in place to meet current health and safety law


                                                Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=533



                                                • Improving Workplace Health Suite

                                                  Improving Workplace Health Suite


                                                  The Improving Workplace Health course has been designed for people involved in occupational health, health promotion, health and safety, trade union representation and human resources. The course will broaden your understanding in key related areas, such as health and safety, occupational health and wellbeing.

                                                  The course is formed of 8 online modules. To be able to access the full range of modules you need to complete the first module (Introduction).


                                                  Self-enrolment: Once you have created an account, and logged in, click the following link and self-enrol in the course – https://elearning.healthscotland.com/course/view.php?id=556



                                                  • Health Risks at Work

                                                  Skip Course categories