February 25, 2025

COVID-19 PSA | How to Stop the Spread | BrainPOP

Author: BrainPOP via YouTube
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COVID-19 PSA | How to Stop the Spread | BrainPOP

Moby and the gang visit from the future to deliver a public service announcement reflecting back on the COVID-19 pandemic, and how we can work together to stop its spread. Source: https://brnpop.co/3eKJYoh | brainpop.com

With their help, remind your students about the importance of physical distancing and staying six feet away from people in public. They also talk about how it’s crucial to wash your hands frequently, to wear masks in public, and to stay home when you’re feeling sick.

Us grown-ups might need reminders to practice these habits, too!


Visit the #COVID19 PSA topic on #BrainPOP for accompanying creative and instructional tools that develop higher-order thinking skills in kids K–12: https://brnpop.co/3eKJYoh


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Full transcript:

Against a black screen, a green cursor types out “Where: Tim and Moby’s Garage,” and then “When: The not-so-distant future.”

TV static resolves to an animation of Tim looking into a camera, fiddling with its controls. The screen blinks a few times and we hear sounds indicating technical difficulties.

TIM: Hellooooo, is this thing working?

Tim bangs the camera a couple times and the image stabilizes.

TIM: Ah, there we go.

Tim steps back from the camera. He’s in a garage, surrounded by electronic equipment. Moby walks in from off-screen wearing a sparkly silver jumpsuit and goggles.

TIM: Hey, it’s us, and as you can see from Moby’s outfit, we’re coming to you from the future!

Tim points to a contraption with lots of cables coming out of it from the table behind him.

TIM: Don’t ask me how, something to do with this duodynetic core thingamajig. It’s pretty complicated, Moby did a lot of the w–

MOBY: Beep!

TIM: Okay, all of the work. Anyway, the reason we went through all this trouble is to tell you something really, really important. Thank you.

The image cuts to the infield of a baseball game, blinking a few times before resolving. The image cuts to Nat and Rita sitting in the crowded stands of the baseball game.

RITA: During the long months of the pandemic, thanks for physical distancing: Staying at least six feet apart from anyone you don’t live with. You stuck to the rules, even when it was tough to miss out on fun gatherings.

NAT: More than anything else, that reduced the transmission of the coronavirus.

We hear the crack of bat and in an instant, Rita holds up a baseball glove and catches a line drive in her glove. It’s shown on the giant screen in the stadium. While holding the baseball in her glove in one hand, Rita bites into a hot dog that she’s holding in the other hand.

A wavering image cuts to Annie sitting on an exam table in a doctor’s office. A nurse measures her blood pressure.

ANNIE: Thanks for taking 20 seconds to scrub your hands with soap and water, like, all the time. That kills germs, and helped stop the spread of the virus.

Cut to a school bus. The image wavers to show many kids seated in the bus. Cassie appears on a seat, with her backpack beside her.

CASSIE: Thanks for wearing a mask whenever you left the house. You listened to the research—that masks were key to stopping the spread of COVID-19. Because coughing, sneezing–even just talking–releases thousands of tiny droplets. Each of which can carry the coronavirus!

Cassie sneezes into the crook of her elbow.

Cut back to Rita and Nat in the stands of the baseball game.

NAT: Things got pretty confusing when the world started opening up again. But you changed your behavior to keep up with public health guidelines. Like staying home when you felt even a little sick. You set the example, and reminded grown-ups that this stuff is important.

We hear another bat crack, and the crowd goes wild. Nat and Rita jump up and down, embracing and cheering.

Cut back to Tim and Moby in the garage.

TIM: It was hard, and some of us experienced heartbreaking loss along the way. But we worked together, listened to the experts, and made it through. So, from all of us here in the post-pandemic future: thank you.

We hear strange noises and see flashing lights.

MOBY: Beep!

TIM: Ten more seconds?!

The scene goes staticky.

TIM: Uh… what else? Stay strong, you’re gonna get through this thing! Keep up all those safe practices, and uh, that alien attack next January? Turns out that’s a big hoax!

Staticky cut to a sign that reads “Whoops! We are experiencing technical difficulties.” Fade to black.

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