April 29, 2024
Custom layouts and graphics in Compose

Custom layouts and graphics in Compose

Custom layouts and graphics in Compose

Video by Android Developers via YouTube
Custom layouts and graphics in Compose

Jetpack Compose offers a variety of out-of-the-box solutions to quickly and easily build screens from scratch. But what happens when you need to go a step beyond and go fully custom? Learn how to create complex designs using a powerful combination of custom Compose Layouts and Graphics. We will cover things like laying out a custom graph, Compose drawing operations, and animations through a more hands on approach by building an intricate Sleep Tracker sample app in just 20 minutes.

Compose Jetlagged → https://goo.gle/compose-jetlagged
Custom layouts → https://goo.gle/compose-custom-layouts
Images and graphics in Compose → https://goo.gle/compose-graphics-docs

Speaker: Simona Stojanovic

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