February 25, 2025

Customize a Template With VisBug

Author: Kezz Bracey
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VisBug is a browser extension for Chrome that allows you to make point-and-click changes to the look of any website, all from within the browser. In this course, we’re going to see how you can use it to make extensive changes to a template, modifying both its look and its content.

While VisBug is no replacement for a coder, it can help you to get a major portion of the job of customization done by yourself before you need external assistance.

When you have finished this course, you will have modified the color scheme of a premade template from Envato Elements and replaced its images and text content, all using VisBug and a tiny bit of DevTools, without leaving the browser.

So let’s go ahead and “Customize a Template With VisBug”. I’ll see you in the first lesson.

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