December 28, 2024

Data Use in Higher Education. Paul Duplinsky, University of New England @UNE_Online

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Hoy traemos a este espacio esta conferencia titulada “Data Use in Higher Education”.Presenter: Paul Duplinsky, MScThis presentation was part of UNE Online’s 2nd Annual Online Learning Symposium, which took place on the University of New England’s Portland campus in November 8th and 9th, 2018.

With big data comes big responsibility! When it comes to making higher education information useful, several things must be considered. First, you have to understand the purpose and limitations of the various internal data sources. Then comes the application: how to use existing data fields to develop reports to answer questions, identify trends and describe performance over time. Data analysis must also consider challenges such as duplicates, real time updates, missing information and unexpected/invalid values. Join us to get this insider’s look at some of ways data is used in higher education at UNE Online. Presenter: Paul Duplinsky, MSc

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 Fuente: [ youtube University of New England]