January 23, 2025
Day 03 - Introduction to CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), CUDA memory hierarchy

Day 03 – Introduction to CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), CUDA memory hierarchy

Video by pantechelearning via YouTube
Day 03 - Introduction to CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), CUDA memory hierarchy

Attendance – https://forms.gle/j4ttyeVpDzpTgyaF7

Kit for the Jetson Nano – https://thinkrobotics.com/products/nvidia-jetson-nano-developer-kit-b01-4gb?variant=33399250714710&currency=INR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=googleads&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkdO0BhDxARIsANkNcreBZZMqOzSUV5M32XAkbK6QawKZq7Y-59Y05wvHI_VXMmGAOKObPvgaAjCoEALw_wcB

*1 Month Internship on NVIDIA – AI Hardware*

*Discount Fee for the Internship only Rs.999/-*
Payment Link – https://rzp.io/l/kLyJradl

*In this Internship you will get*
1. All 30 Days Recording Sessions
2. All 30 days Presentations
3. *7+ Exclusive Projects Codes (Download)*
4. VIP Community Group(For Doubts and Internship Updates)
5. IETE – Internship Confirmation Letter
6. 90 Days of LMS Course Access
8. Weekly Live Sessions
9. Resume Building , Mock Tests
10. Internship | Participation Certificates

Day 1: Introduction to NVIDIA, GPU Computing, Introduction to Jetson Nano
Day 2: Jetson Nano Basic Setup tutorial
Day 3: Introduction to CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), CUDA memory hierarchy
Day 4: Deep Learning Fundamentals, Introduction to Deep Learning.
Day 5: Introduction to deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch) with GPU support.
Day 6: Building and training a simple neural network using Pytorch and Tensorflow
Day 7: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), CNN using TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Day 8: Traffic sign classification using Deep learning
Day 9: Introduction to Computer Vision and Basic Image Processing
Day 10: Image Smoothing, Edge Detection, and Morphology Techniques
Day 11: Advanced Image Segmentation and Thresholding Techniques
Day 12: Image Blending, Pyramids, and Feature Transform Techniques
Day 13: Sudoku Solver using OpenCV
Day 14: Pretrained models overview – VGG, Resnet, F-CNN, U-net
Day 15: Brain Tumor Classification using Pretrained model
Day 16: YOLO for Object Detection
Day 17: Image Segmentation with U-net
Day 18: Pytorch model to Tensorrt conversion
Day 19: Object Detection with Jetson Nano
Day 20: Pedestrian detection with Jetson Nano
Day 21: Building a autonomous vehicle with Deep learning, computer vision and Jetson Nano

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