February 23, 2025
Day - 6  Java Package, Access Modifiers, Java Strings, String Methods.

Day – 6 Java Package, Access Modifiers, Java Strings, String Methods.

Video by Pantech eLearning via YouTube
Day - 6  Java Package, Access Modifiers, Java Strings, String Methods.

https://forms.gle/CWnop1xfJFThD54X9 Attendance link for Day 6

APSSDC Certified 1 Month Internship on JAVA FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT
Reg Fee : Rs.1999
Discounted Fee: Rs.999

Reg Link – ‘https://imjo.in/gHNkDr

1 Month Internship Certificate + 7 Project Codes + PPTs + Live Sessions

Internship Last Date – 13.12.2022

DAY 1 Java Introduction |Installation
DAY 2 Java variables – Identifiers, Datatype Classes, and Objects
DAY 3 Java Comments – Single-line comments, Multi-line comments
DAY 4 Loops – Different types of loops, Decision Making Statements
DAY 5 Ternary operator, switch statement, Arrays, and Methods in Java.
DAY 6 Java Package, Access Modifiers, Java Strings, String Methods.
DAY 7 Inheritance, Method Overloading, Method Overriding.
DAY 8 Java – Type Casting, Abstract Class, Interface.
DAY 9 Java Package, Access Modifiers, Encapsulation, Wrapper class
DAY 10 Java Regular Expressions, Exception Handling.
DAY 11 HTML Basic, Elements, Attributes, Headings
DAY 12 HTML – Colors, CSS, links, images, tables
DAY 13 HTML – Forms, Form Attributes, Form Elements
DAY 14 Servlet – Introduction, Life Cycle
DAY 15 Servlets – Examples, Form Data, Client Request
DAY 16 Servlets – Server Response, Http Codes, Writing Filters
DAY 17 Servlets – Exceptions, Cookies Handling, Session Tracking
DAY 18 Servlets – Database Access, File Uploading, Handling Date.
DAY 19 MySQL – Introduction, Installation, Create Database, Drop database.
DAY 20 MySQL – Data Types, Create Tables, Drop Tables, Insert Query
DAY 21 MySQL – Select Query, Where Clause, Update Query, Delete Query, Like Clause, Sorting Results, Using Join.
DAY 22 Introduction To JDBC, Jdbc Components, Driver Connections.
DAY 23 JDBC Examples.
DAY 24 JDBC Transactions.
DAY 25 Erasure Coding
DAY 26 Public Auditing
DAY 27 Counselling Management System
DAY 28 Software Puzzle
DAY 29 Crime Management System.
DAY 30 Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing

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