February 26, 2025

Distance Learning/Correspondence Courses – Page 2

Autor N;
Source: https://www.gardenbanter.co.uk/united-kingdom/111197-distance-learning-correspondence-courses-2.html

On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 17:27:25 +0100

Martin wrote:

On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 16:47:35 +0100, “JennyC”
Yes, and I’m listening to it sometimes………..

… watch it with the French subtitles on.

Easy with France 2, more difficult with TV5.

At least you will improve your reading ability. 🙂

Television is a good way, although, better without subtitles.

When I first moved to France in ’90 I determined that I

should watch a show that was so plotless that I would be

able to follow even with my quite limited French. Starsky

and Hutch was on daily — Starzky et Ootch — so after

several weeks I was equipped to commit a hold-up:

“Haut les mains!” Or to do police work, I suppose.

On the subject of silly mistakes made in a second language,

I have two stories that are a bit ribald. The first from my

french cousin, who emigrated to the States after the war having

married a GI. They were at a “dry” dance, that is, no

alcohol. She asked her new husband when they could get

a drink, he told her “at intermission.” Later she was dancing

with another fellow, and becoming overheated came out

with this broken gem: “When we do intercourse?” The

gentleman replied, “I think we’ll find your husband now…”

My own experience was equally embarrassing. Newly arrived,

we needed a whisk. Determined to exploit Paris to the

fullest, off we went to the fine kitchen supply store

Delerhin for the purchase. Making the effort, I consulted

the dictionary, and armed (so I thought) with the local jargon

for whisk, we sallied forth. Faced with the helpful salesman

inside the door of the place, I stammered my much rehearsed

sentence, “Bonjour Monsieur, j’ai besoin d’une verge.” The

fellow glanced over at my wife, then regarded me without

expression. I had just literally said “Hello, I need a penis.”

Honest to God. His response, deadpan, was “You’ll

have to see my colleague for that item.”

All of which shows, television is bad for you. And

dictionaries, too. Hmm, off to watch Eastenders…


Emery Davis

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