January 15, 2025
Distance Learning News Jan-15-21

Distance Learning News Jan-15-21

Bryson Tyrrell

My kids have all been using Chromebooks throughout distance learning. I’ve always been a fan of Chromebooks for what they’re good at: browsing web content. I’m not a fan of their use in the classroom.

DeeperDive Learning, Inc.

RT @edutopia: Getting students to explain their mathematical thinking is even harder on a videoconference. This strategy—developed by a math specialist to get students collaborating and speaking up about math—has now been successfully adapted to distance learning. https://t.co/RQDLTCWHZV

COVID Schools: Mount Diablo Unified School District Extends Distance Learning Into March

CONCORD (CBS SF) – Schools in the Mount Diablo Unified School District will continue with distance learning at least into March, the district superintendent said Wednesday night.


UNESCO, KSRelief launch Kodrat project to support distance learning in Lebanon https://t.co/ImYHe4OskL


Jill byrne

RT @TessaRDavis: Extremely excited to tell you about a brand new Paediatric Emergency Medicine MSc that is being delivered as a collaboration between @QMUL and @DFTBubbles. This will be a three year part-time, online distance-learning MSc. It will start in September 2021. Come + join us 1/6 https …

Premier Training

‘The flexibility of distance learning made it manageable especially for a person who works and has a family’ Thank you so much Binti – we are so glad you are enjoying your AAT studies with us! @YourAAT #accounting #accountants #aat https://t.co/G22mHBe5nh


GUSD: distance learning until at least mid-February

GUSTINE – Students in the Gustine Unified School District will remain on distance learning only until at least mid-February due to the continuing pandemic.


Roseville High School returns to distant learning after many tests positive for COVID-19

ROSEVILLE, Calif. — Just one week after returning to a full-time in-person learning model, Roseville High School is temporarily going back to distanced learning due to dozens of staffers under quarantine due to exposure to positive coronavirus cases on campus.



RT @PDST_TechinEd: We are running more primary & post-primary drop-in clinics next week if you have any specific questions re: distance learning or using dig tech for teaching, learning and/or assessment. Register via https://t.co/MFVuddEwyr Please let colleagues not using Twitter know too. http …


Albany schools to prep kids for distance learning in case of unrest next week

ALBANY — The Albany City School District says it will send students home with academic materials again Friday in case civil unrest related to next week’s presidential inauguration triggers the sudden need for distance learning.


St Andrew’s Secondary School

A massive thank you to all our staff, young people and parents/carers for your support in our Distance Learning provision this week – you have all been magnificent. Have a well deserved break this weekend.👏👏👏 https://t.co/IAjdGPURCJ

Mike Witnessed an Attempted Coup in DC

RT @PerryStein: Here’s what one resident said. She lost her cafeteria job at Georgetown. Moved her extended family from a 5-room house to 2 room apt. 7 people — 4 kids doing distance learning — crammed. “It’s been the year of hell. It feels like you’ve died and are living in another world.” http …photo

UAE schools: Distance learning announced for some students till further notice

The Ministry of Education held an urgent meeting to ensure that schools and students are informed about the postponement of face-to-face classes.


Christiana Elementary moves to distance-learning through Jan. 21

Christiana Elementary School is moving to temporary distance-learning beginning Friday Jan. 15 through Thursday Jan. 21, Rutherford County Schools said.


Bend school reopening plan now includes distance learning, but not with the same teachers

In Bend-La Pine Schools’ initial plan to restart in-person learning in late January/early February, families were given two options: return to classrooms, or enroll in Bend-La Pine Schools Online.


Whitmore High MUSIC department

RT @ArtsWhitmore: Distance Learning from @WhitmoreHigh is up and running. What absolutely incredible students/families we have. Thanks to you all for logging in and getting involved. Attendance to LIVE lessons today was phenomenal 😁🙌 Covid really won’t stop us from learning. Well done everyone htt …

Shawn Stover

Need some fresh ideas for your distance learning adventures? Here you go! https://t.co/X9mMqxQVGB
