Distance Learning (Online or Correspondence Programs and Courses) :Individual Evaluation of U.S. Credentials:Preparation Pathways:OTI:NYSED
Source: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/distance.html
Distance Learning (Online or Correspondence Programs and Courses)
- Distance Learning Teacher Preparation Programs
Information regarding colleges and universities within New York State that have an approved teacher preparation program can be found at http://www.highered.nysed.gov/ocue/ded/database.html .
- Distance Learning Courses (Individual) or Coursework to meet Unmet RequirementsIf you plan on taking individual courses at an institution that is located in New York, go to Coursework Frequently Asked Questions to determine what courses would be acceptable.
The Office of Teaching Initiatives does not endorse, pre-approve, or accredit programs or coursework completed at institutions located outside the State of New York.
- Distance Learning Teacher Preparation Programs
If you plan on completing a teacher or School Leadership preparation program in a state other than New York, the program must meet the following criteria:
- The institution must be approved by a regional accrediting agency. To determine if a college is accredited, go to the U.S. Department of Education’s Institutional Accreditation System Web site at http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/
- The program must be comparable to New York State requirements for that subject. To view the requirements for New York State certification, go to Search Certification Requirements.
- The program must lead to certification in the state where the Institution’s Registrar is located and Accreditation was granted. Satellite campuses in other states are not acceptable.
For more information, go to Applicants from Other States (Interstate Reciprocity).
- The institution must be approved by a regional accrediting agency. To determine if a college is accredited, go to the U.S. Department of Education’s Institutional Accreditation System Web site at http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/
- Distance Learning Courses (non-degree program) or Coursework to meet Unmet Requirements
If you plan on taking individual courses at an institution that is not located in New York, please go to Coursework Frequently Asked Questions to determine what courses would be acceptable.