January 13, 2025

E-learning Zone home page – Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

Source https://www.bsmhft.nhs.uk/e-learning/e-learning-zone-home-page/

Welcome to the BSMHFT eLearning zone for Fundamental (Statutory and Mandatory) Training

First of all,


on your conditional offer of employment!

As explained in your conditional letter of employment, all successful applicants are required to complete the Trust’s induction programme. The mandatory training is in an eLearning format and it can be accessed by any computer connected to the internet.

You are required to complete certain training modules online in your own time prior to any unconditional offer being made. Please note that you must complete these modules within 3 weeks from the date your conditional offer of employment was made.

How to access and complete the Fundamental Training E-learning modules

Depending on your role, you need to complete a specific set of modules. By clicking on the appropriate column below, you will be presented with the list of modules you need to complete depending on your role.

Qualified Clinical Inpatient Staff

(Staff who have a qualification and will have direct patient contact within an inpatient setting)

Occupational therapists, nurses, psychologists, medics, inpatient pharmacists etc.

Qualified Clinical Community Staff

(Staff who have a qualification and will have direct patient contact within a community setting)

Community occupational therapists, community nurses, community psychologists, out patient staff, community medics, pharmacists etc.

Unqualified Clinical Staff

(Staff who do not have a qualification and will have direct patient contact)

Health care assistants, technical instructors, support workers, volunteers etc.

Non-Clinical Staff

(Staff who may or may not have a qualification and will not have direct first line patient contact within their role)

Domestics, estates staff, porters, catering staff, corporate staff etc.


You will need to score a minimum of 80% to pass each module.

Please note that you will have two opportunities to take the assessment for each module. If you have been unsuccessful in completing the eLearning modules following two attempts, please contact the eLearning team at eLearning@bsmhft.nhs.uk immediately.

STOP! Important steps to successful completion of the eLearning modules

On successful completion of every required eLearning module, you will be presented at the last screen with a numerical code (e.g. 1235), which you will need to send to the eLearning team by email at


Please ensure that you include in your email the following information:

– Your unique application reference number

– Your full name

– The name of the module you have successfully completed

– The numerical code

Who to contact if you are still unsure about which modules to complete or if you have any difficulties

Contact the BSMHFT eLearning team by email at


or on 0121 301 3950

If you are contacting us by email, please ensure you:

a. Describe fully the problem you are facing in completing the required eLearning modules.

b. Give a contact number so that the eLearning team can contact you if further information is required.

N.B The eLearning Helpdesk is available Monday to Friday from 10.00 – 15.30. We aim to respond to all queries within 24 working hours.

Disclaimer: Please be aware we are unable to guarantee the security of information sent via email by or to any email address other than a bsmhft.nhs.uk email account and by emailing us you are consenting to us responding to you via this route. If you are not happy to use email please call us on 0121 301 3950