March 13, 2025

Effects of maternal mental retardation and poverty on intellectual, academic, and behavioral status of school-age children. Maurice A. Feldman & Nicole Walton-Allen

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Hoy, despues de la resaca de los resultados electorales, hemos recordado los índices de pobreza … que habría que poner en relación con las votaciones, con los resultados y … bste comparar los resultados de las 3 comunidades más ricas de España, un mapa radicalmente diferente al resto de los sures… pero dejemos hablar a un artículo científico, algunos olvidan que la ciencia forma parte intrínseca del acultura … , pero para ello traemos a este espacio este artículo titulado “Effects of maternal mental retardation and poverty on intellectual, academic, and behavioral status of school-age children”  de

Maurice A. Feldman
Queen’s University and Ogwanada Hospital
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Nicole Walton-Allen
Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

This study examined the impact of low maternal IQ o
n children living in poverty by comparing
WISC-R, WRAT-R, and Ontario Child Behavior Checklis
t scores of 27 school-age children of
mothers with mild mental retardation to 25 similarl
y impoverished children whose mothers did
not have mental retardation. The children of mother
s with mental retardation had lower IQ and
academic achievement, and more behavior problems th
an the low income children of parents
without mental retardation. Not one child with a m
other with mental retardation was free of
problems and boys were affected more severely than
girls. The quality of the home environment
and maternal social supports were also lower in the
group with maternal mental retardation; both
of these measures were negatively correlated with c
hild behavior disorders in this group. This
study shows that being raised by mothers with menta
l retardation can have detrimental effects on
child development and behavior that cannot be attri
buted to poverty alone.

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