January 12, 2025

EMOTION & COGNITION IN THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. #Infographic. New research from Microsoft Education and The Economist Intelligence Unit

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Hoy traemos a este espacio esta infografía titulada : “EMOTION y COGNITION IN THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”, una  infografía que profundiza en la investigación más reciente sobre la importancia del bienestar y la mentalidad positiva para estudiantes y educadores en el sector.

La investigación, llevada a cabo por la Unidad de Inteligencia de The Economist provino de entrevistas con líderes escolares, maestros y bibliotecarios en 15 países y reveló que el bienestar social y emocional sigue siendo una alta prioridad para las escuelas. De hecho, el 70% declaró que esto es fundamental para lograr el éxito estudiantil.

Además, el estudio reforzó que la emoción es el guardián de la cognición y que un estado emocional positivo está vinculado tanto al logro académico como al bienestar. Sé de primera mano que la escuela a la que asisten dos de mis hijos está muy centrada en el Bienestar, no solo para los estudiantes sino también para el personal.

Algunos datos de esta investigación nos lo presentan así en Emotion and Cognition in the Age of AI: New research from Microsoft Education and The Economist Intelligence Unit

What we learned is that educators around the globe are placing a high priority on student well-being and they are actively seeking ways to nurture it in their classrooms, across the school environment, and in their communities.
According to the survey, 80 percent of educators believe that well-being is critical for academic success, for developing foundational literacies and for cultivating strong communication skills, and 70 percent of educators say well-being has grown in importance for K-12 students during their careers.
At the same time, school systems have not moved as quickly as educators to prioritize well-being. Only 53 percent of educators said their schools have a formal policy in place to support students’ well-being. Individual educators can do great things in their own classrooms. But to impact well-being at scale, systemic approaches are needed.
We identified some common barriers that educators encounter in trying to help improve their students’ well-being:
  • 64 percent of educators said they lack the resources or time to support students’ well-being
  • 71 percent of respondents said changes to enhance student well-being need to be driven by school leaders
And, we asked educators what technologies they find most beneficial in overcoming these barriers. Three areas stood out:
  • 58 percent mentioned immersive experiences that allow students to explore scenarios from the perspective of others, which show strong promise for promoting social-emotional skills, particularly empathy
  • 49 percent cited tools that foster collaboration among students
  • 46 percent of educators favor tools that help collect and analyze data about students’ emotional states
In addition, technology provides the critical scale to take any of these approaches beyond a single classroom.
To help identify best practices, we took a close look at schools where teachers report their students enjoy higher-than-average well-being. We found several common threads. These leader schools are more likely to:
  • Have a formal plan to promote well-being
  • Measure and monitor well-being as well as academic achievement
  • Support inclusive classroom practices that amplify student voice
  • Engage purposefully with the community
  • Take a whole-school approach to professional learning

Read more at https://educationblog.microsoft.com/en-us/2019/02/emotion-and-cognition-in-the-age-of-ai-new-research-from-microsoft-education-and-the-economist-intelligence-unit/#ErACxMGxo8s4mrmE.99


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 Fuente: [ Microsoft]