July 3, 2024
Focus on EAPCI PCR Fellows Course – EuroPCR

Focus on EAPCI PCR Fellows Course – EuroPCR

Focus on EAPCI PCR Fellows Course – EuroPCR

Video by PCR via YouTube
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Focus on EAPCI PCR Fellows Course – EuroPCR

In celebration of the tenth anniversary of the EAPCI PCR Fellows Course, Gabor Toth interviews Chiara De Biase about the initial target participants of the Course, the topics covered during this one-day event, and the decision to exclude structural topics to promote the PCR London Valves Course. Chiara also shares insights about the upcoming edition, which is already in preparation. All the more reason to join and return!

This video was filmed during #EuroPCR 2024.
See more videos here: https://www.pcronline.com/Cases-resources-images/Resources/Educational-interviews


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