February 23, 2025
Fostering Belonging and Community through Art | Cultivating Learning

Fostering Belonging and Community through Art | Cultivating Learning

Author: Smithsonian Education via YouTube
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Fostering Belonging and Community through Art | Cultivating Learning

Join Beth Evans of the National Portrait Gallery and Micheline Lavalle of the Fairfax County Public Schools Office for ESOL Services’ Family Literacy Program to explore techniques developed over a decade-long collaboration that use museum objects, artmaking, and storytelling to encourage belonging and community-building while developing empathy, confidence, self-expression, and self-advocacy. You’ll leave with a Smithsonian Learning Lab toolkit of resources and activities designed to foster critical skills, including visual literacy, public speaking, creative writing, art appreciation, and collaboration. These examples come from work with multilingual immigrant families, but the activities can be adapted for any audience.

Session Collection
Fostering Belonging and Community through Art: https://learninglab.si.edu/collections/fostering-belonging-and-community-through-art-cultivating-learning/To0y9r8KlCwQpdH2

00:00 Introduction
07:29 What Does it Mean to Belong?
12:59 Need for Belonging / Family Literacy in Fairfax County and Beyond
15:08 Key Workshop Components at the National Portrait Gallery
18:05 Looking Activity: Identifying with Works of Art
23:36 Participant Art Project Examples
25:53 Impact and Benefits of Arts Integration
33:03 Toolkit of Resources and Session Learning Lab Collection
35:16 Q&A
51:27 Conclusion

[Please note: Because of tech glitches in the live program, we made some cuts to this video. We are working to fix the captions and expect to post the corrected version soon.]

This interactive webinar, originally recorded on Zoom, is part of “Cultivating Learning,” a professional development webinar series focusing on techniques to use digital museum resources for learning. Check out “Cultivating Learning” and other Smithsonian Learning Lab webinars: https://learninglab.si.edu/about/events

Thumbnail Image
Courtesy of Matailong Du and the National Portrait Gallery

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