March 1, 2025

Fundamentos bibliográficos de #LawsofSuccess Capítulos 1 a 4

Author: Alejandro Piscitelli
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Uno de los aspectos mas interesantes de la obra “Laws of Success” de Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, es que da un potente empujón al estupor y sorbes que nos despiertas las conclusiones contraintuitivas de sus experimentos reenviando a los papers, videos y ensayos originales que provocarán, seguramente, una enorme controversia (o quizás ninguna).

Si el valor monetario de las obras de arte es totalmente arbitrario, si los jurados del vino y de la música casi invariablemente no pueden replicar sus juicios, ¿no nos dejan todo estos experimentos al borde de una post-verdad generalizada?

Donde todo es posible, porque en casi todos los terrenos la subjetividad de lejos le gana a la objetividad. No necesariamente, pero para inclinarnos por una opción o por otra deberemos hacer el duro trabajo del concepto (y de la experiencia), para reforzar con objetividad prostética la inherente subjetividad en ciertos territorios, y para sumar verdad retórica aun en aquellos donde la objetividad se presente con un grado mayor de firmeza.

Algo a los que nos instaba ya hace 4 décadas atrás el sagaz Bruno Latour. Mientras, cotejemos resultados con preguntas, y veamos cómo la mejor forma de obtener respuestas interesantes y atrevidas y no disparatadas, pasa por mejorar nuestros criterios de distinción, nuestras metodologías y -sobretodo- nuestras capacidades de razonamiento, que deben superar la literalidad y la ingenuidad, e internarse en otras dimensiones hipercomplejas (como corresponde a los hipeobjetos teorizados por Timothy Morgan), aunque todavía no sepamos muy bien hacia donde nos llevarán y con qué nos toparemos.

Primer congreso sobre leyes del éxito

CAPITULO 1: The Red Baron and the Forgotten Ace

Ace of Aces: How the Red Baron Became World War I’s Most Legendary Fighter Pilot,” History Stories (2016)

How fame corresponds to merit in the case of Nobel Prize–winning physicists (“Estimating Achievement from Fame

“Eric Goldschein and Robert Johnson’s 2011 Business Insider: “The Wright Brothers Didn’t Invent the Airplane . . . and Nine Other Inventors Who’ve Been Wrongly Credited.”

“New York Times Magazine. “The List of the 100 Most Famous People in History Only Has 8 Women on It,”

CAPITULO 2: Grand Slams and College Diplomas

“J. P. Bagrow et al., “How Famous Is a Scientist? — Famous to Those Who Know Us,” Europhysics Letters 67, no. 4 (2004): 511–16.”

“ Our study, B. Yucesoy and A.-L. Barabási, “Untangling Performance from Success,” EPJ Data Science 5, no. 17 (2016), .

The website also provides a short video explaining the data and a visualization tool that allows users to search, sort, and compare the success and performance graphs of individual players.”

“A. Abdulkadiroglu, J. Angrist, and P. Pathak, “The Elite Illusion: Achievement Effects at Boston and New York Exam Schools,” Econometrica 82, no. 1 (2014): 137–96.”

“Revisiting the Value of Elite Colleges” David Leonhardt February 21, 2011, New York Times blog post,”

“Stacy Dale and Alan Krueger’s brilliant 2011 paper, “Estimating the Return to College Selectivity over the Career Using Administrative Earnings Data,” was published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (Working Paper No. 17159)”

“Judge’s ability to properly evaluate soccer players, see “Human Perception of Performance,” by Luca Pappalardo, Paolo Cintia, Dino Pedreschi, Fosca Giannotti, and A.-L. Barabási

CAPITULO 3: The $2 Million Urinal

“The Strange Story of Jean Michel Basquiat’s Original Partner in Crime,” “Huck Magazine’s October 2017

The Story of SAMO, Basquiat’s First Art Project. Ashleigh Kane’s September 6, 2017

Robin Pogrebin & Scott Reyburn How Basquiat became de U$ 60 million man ,” .” New York Times May 18, 2017,

Katherine Brooks How Jean-Michel Basquiat Became the Ultimate American Artist.” Huffington Post May 21, 2017,,

Timeline visual

Duchamp’s Fountain: The Practical Joke That Launched an Artistic Revolution. Martin Gayford’s Telegraph Feb 2008

Paintinds over U$100 million

“The Man with the Golden Helmet was reattributed, H. Bonus and D. Ronte Credibility and Economic Value in the Visual Arts Journal of Cultural Economics 21, no 2 (1997): 103–18,” , ”

Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler’s Stealing Mona Lisa Vanity Fair May 2009

Pogrebin, Robin “When an Artist Calls the Shots: Mark Grotjahn’s Soaring Prices.” New York Times July 30, 2017,

For more on the dependencies that govern the art world Wouter de Nooy The Dynamics of Artistic Prestige Poetics 30, no. 3 (2002): 147–67,

S. P. Fraiberger et al Reputation and Success in Art Science 2018

Phoebe Hoban Basquiat A Quick Killing in Art, Penguin Books, 1999

CAPITULO 4: How Much Is a Bottle of Wine Worth?

International Wine Challenge, explains industry judging protocols

David Derbyshire Wine Tasting. It’s Junk Science,” The Guardian June 23, 2013

W. Blake Gray’s , interview with Hodgson on the July 17, 2013.

Will Storr Is Everything We Know About Wine Wrong?. Telegraph April 29, 2014

Wilford Wong A Day in the Life of a Wine June 26, 2014

Hodgson’s paper “An Examination of Judge Reliability at a Major U.S. Wine Competition,” Journal of Wine Economics 3, no. 2. (2008): 105–13. It shows a lack of consistency between judges and a lack of consistency in judges over time. ”

“consistency in the awards that wines win, “An Analysis of the Concordance Among 13 Wine Competitions,” Journal of Wine Economics 4, no. 1 (2009): 1–9

Robert Sutherland The Ten Fastest Men in 100m History The Daily Telegraph, August 14, 2016

Barabasi Network Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017)

“Filippo Radicchi’s predictions on Olympic records “Universality, Limits, and Predictability of Gold Medal Performances at the Olympic Games,” PLOS ONE 7, no. 7 (2012): e40335. ”

Chia-Jung Tsay Sight over Sound in the Judgment of Music Performance,” PNAS 110, no. 36 (2013): 14580–85.

Phillip Ball Musicians’ Appearances Matter More Than Their Sound. Nature, August 2013.

“The patterns characterizing the Queen Elisabeth competition are described in detail in
Renato Flores and Victor Ginsburgh’s “The Queen Elisabeth Musical Competition: How Fair Is the Final Ranking?,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 45, no. 1 (1996): 97–104.

V. Ginsburgh Awards, Success and Aesthetic Quality in the Arts Journal of Economic Perspectives 17 (2003): 99–111.

For more information on how classical musicians benefit from winning the Queen Elisabeth competition Victor A. Ginsburgh and Jan C. van Ours’s “Expert Opinion and Compensation: Evidence from a Musical Competition,” American Economic Review 93, no. 1 (2003): 289–98,

how bias is further exacerbated in elite realms like classical music and wine judging Alex Mayyasi The Science of Snobbery: How We’re Duped into Thinking Fancy Things Are Better The Atlantic, September 11, 2013

Eurovision Song Contest’s immediacy bias
Wandi Bruine de Bruin’s Save the Last Dance for Me: Unwanted Serial Position “Effects in Jury Evaluations. Acta Psychologica 118, no. 3 (2005): 245–60.”

Immediacy affects outcomes in evaluating Spanish judge candidates
Brian Uzzi from Northwestern University, and was collected by his former student, Guillermo Fernandez-Mazarambroz.”

D. Broniatowski and C. Magee Does Seating Location Impact Voting Behavior on Food and Drug Administration Advisory Committees? American Journal of Therapeutics 20, no. 5 (2011): 502–6.”