GASTRO BLAST – Stuffed Baked Potatoes / Tzatziki – Full Episode
Author: TVOkids via YouTube
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Not all potatoes are the same, as Link discovers. In fact, some potatoes are better suited for boiling and potato salads, while other varieties are the right choice for Stuffed Baked Potatoes. Whatever the method of cooking, Link discovers it’s always a good idea to prick a few holes in the potato, lest he get an Exploding Potato Situation!
Link has a great recipe for Tzatziki, a Greek-style dip containing yogurt and cucumbers. When he discovers that he doesn’t have enough yogurt, Link makes lemonade out of lemons — or rather, yogurt out of milk — using the remaining yogurt that is in the carton as his active culture. In order to wipe out unfriendly bacteria, Link demonstrates some sterilizing techniques.