February 26, 2025
Girls’ Education: From Priority to Reality | 2021 WISE Summit

Girls’ Education: From Priority to Reality | 2021 WISE Summit

Video by WISE Channel via YouTube
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Girls’ Education: From Priority to Reality | 2021 WISE Summit

129 million girls are currently out of school.

Not even one in two countries has achieved gender parity in primary education. In upper-secondary education that’s a meager 24%. And when enrolled, girls face system gaps that widen the gender divide in learning and skills development.

Yet, significant investments have targeted girls’ education in the past decade. Agencies and NGOs have raised the alarm and been heard. So why are we still so far from gender equality in education?

We explore the views of specialists on what can be done differently to make girls’ education not only a priority but a reality.

#WISEsummit #FutureOfEducation

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WISE is an international, multi-sectoral and action-oriented platform for innovation in education that connects innovators, nurtures new ideas, and recognizes and supports successful initiatives that are helping revitalize education.

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