January 7, 2025

Holistic and Critical Visions About Teaching and Learning for the Digital Era. Conferencia Linda Castañeda 9/23/19 @lindacq in @UCBerkeley

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Hoy traemos a este espacio esta conferencia de la amiga Linda Castañeda …  salúos y salú maeztra desde Zeviya CalYFlato IndePendiente #lacunadelPobreRío █▄【


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Linda Castañeda: “Holistic and Critical Visions About Teaching and Learning for the Digital Era” A colloquium held on September 23, 2019, and sponsored by the UC Berkeley’s Graduate Group in Science and Mathematics Education (SESAME) and the Graduate School of Education. To contact us about this video, please email sesame.colloquium@berkeley.edu. SummarySome of the most challenging issues on what is essential for people’s education in a digital world are related to two interconnected topics: how people learn in this socio-technological environment, and how technology is impacting education. This two topics should condition our visions about educational environments, designs, and organizations, as well as the role of participants in the educational/learning process.  In this session we will highlight some ideas and critical statements about these topics. We will try to envision some of the crucial developments that we propose to integrate them into a more holistic vision about what teaching, learning, and development should be. About the Speaker Professor Linda Castañeda (http://www.lindacastaneda.com/en) is Associate Professor in Educational Technology at the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education at the University of Murcia in Spain. Her research and teaching focus on the implementation and impact of technologies in educational (teaching and learning) models, processes, and practices. Castañeda’s current research portfolio includes critical perspectives on educational technology, competencies for the digital era (definition and development), teachers’ professional development, emergent pedagogies, and Personal Learning Environments. Dr. Castañeda has participated in more than 30 national and international public funding projects in collaboration with researchers from universities in Spain, Denmark, Italy, UK, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Greece, Turkey, USA, Argentina, Ecuador, and Mexico.  She co-edited in 2013 the first volume entirely dedicated to Personal Learning Environments from the educational point of view, which was published in Spanish as “Entornos personales de aprendizaje: Claves para el ecosistema educativo en red” (Castañeda & Adell, 2013, Marfil), and which sold out within a month in hard copy has had more than 120K downloads online. Dr. Castañeda is part of the editorial board of the European Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, and the editorial advisory board of the Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, and the Revista Interuniversitaria de investigación en Tecnología Educativa. Linda has participated in many international EdTech events as invited speaker and has over 100 publications (in Spanish and English) in the field of Educational Technology.

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 Fuente: [ youtube  GSE Colloquia at UC Berkeley]